
Sunday 4 March 2018

American Baby Boomers

George Carlin on American baby boomers, George makes me smile. Some comedy for this Sunday evening on the "political correctness" on the natural process of ageing.

I must admit I didn't take much notice of ageing, although when I turned 40, I did cry, as I knew that would be my cut off point for having any more children. I had a dream to have a little girl and to name her Sophia after my gran.

However, I used to say in my 40's and 50's that my intention was to grow old gracefully. When I reached 50, I was celebrating life, satisfied with life and what I had achieved in life. Yet, I was singing that life begins at 50.

Certainly each decade brought it's joys and it's tears. When I arrived at 60, I was joyful that the menopause was over, and for a woman that is freedom.

Although the body of a woman goes through so many changes prior to that, hormonally it can throw so much at you, more than some people can even endure. As such, that is when the power of love beyond measure is crucial to get a woman through it, so that you can arrive at beyond endurance, and than your perseverance increases, with the healing power of love.

You can talk yourself through the changes as much as you like to do, you can talk yourself through the ageing process, making sure that you are accepting of what you cannot change, and changing what you can. Make it as easy on yourself as you can, plenty of nutrients and restful time. However, many reach a health crisis, and if you have had a career in health and healing, it can make you question everything.

If you believe or know that there is a greater power above, you are helped along with the spiritual journey and what it manifests to aid your comprehension of what is happening to you and why.

Although you have to be open hearted and open minded to receive the divine guidance that is offered and maximise it's potential to help your life.

It is often the case, what you experience on a health level, does have a higher purpose, so it's so important that you trust the divine.

For Spirit can draw very close to you when you are in your most vulnerable state, as all of your defences are withdrawn. As you become stronger with divine help, and the solutions are given to you, it is a time for re-affirmation that you can depend upon you to navigate your way through it with Spirit helping you to do it.  For we are never alone, help and the power of love is always standing by.

I can look back over the initiations that came to be, and how incredible it was, how so much was embraced, and integrated, how new and different realities were shown and what that manifested in divine empowerment for the physical reality. The overcomer, was enabled to keep on overcoming, and keep on being victorious although it required so much patience, the patience of a saint.

There is a time to lay down your own life to help others, and there is a time, when Jesus helps you to get your life back.

As Jesus said recently, "They thought that you were a novice".

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