
Sunday 25 March 2018


There is a woman's march being held in London on the 20th of August, 2018. It's being called the MARIAS, March, "Mothers Against Radical Islam and Sharia."

Baroness Cox will be attending the march and will be giving a speech at Speakers Corner.

"Veterans against terrorism" will also be attending the march in London. Information and the latest news is regularly updated on Toni's website.

In the 70's, white parents and Christian parents didn't tell their children about the dangers of Islam. In those days, parents didn't prepare their children for such matters, especially their daughters. In the 80's, the Sikh's were aware that it was happening to Sikh girls. The Sikh's also knew the history due to what happened in India.

I began warning people on-line over a decade ago, I also emailed people about it, and so many people didn't wish to hear it or see what happens when Islam arrives. I shared so much, so many videos, so many facts, so many reality checks were sent out internationally.

So many people asked to stop receiving the information and to be removed from my mailing list due to the information being shared about Islamic realities.

For decades people have been silencing as many people as they can when the issue of Islam is raised for discussion. Indeed, look at Theresa Shariah May, giving money to Saudi Arabia instead of standing for women and her own people in this country.

The silence about Telford and the other locations from the MSM is beyond belief, the silence from most of the clergy in the UK, makes you wonder why they earn a salary. Why aren't the clergy banging on Theresa May's door, and every other MP, I tell you why, most of them have been promoting and supporting inviting more immigrants into the UK.

If the clergy can't even protect women and children from what has happened in Telford, what use are they? Jesus protected and healed women and children, why don't they! 

Yesterday, I was listening to a Sikh man that had received a telephone call from a Sikh girl and she was sharing with him that it is still happening to Sikh girls, and she said that it is happening to black girls too. 

Remember what Jesus said "Silence is Compliance". Toni is not silent, thank you Toni for your speech, and organisation of the march in London.

I should make this point, that I've known Muslims and had platonic Muslim friends during my life, both male and female, I know that there are Muslim women that refuse to live in their own countries of birth, due to how those countries are run with radical Islam and it's Shariah.

I've known Muslim women that refuse to wear the hijab and burka. I've known Muslim men that have been protective of English women, as they had married English women during their lives.

However, not all Muslims are so friendly, as kind, or loving. I remember an Egyptian Muslim friend getting very cross with me in the 90's, when I was going to Egypt on my own. He swore at me, and he said "it is not fxxxxxx Europe". As a woman you can't travel around those countries on your own, in countries where radical Islam exists, you have to have a chaperone.

If you don't stand up to stop the Islamisation of the UK, that is what will happen, women and children won't be able to do anything or go anywhere without a chaperone to protect them. In the UK, we know what freedom is, it's not the same in countries that are Islamic.

We have to rid our country of "injustice", for justice to be real. We have to be intent on regeneration of our people, and against replacement of our people. We have to stop the cultural genocide of our country and renew our individual sovereignty.

We have to stand for freedom of speech, we have to keep on sharing the truth, we have to take our country back. We have to protect women and children, we have to respect our men that do so.

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