
Sunday 25 March 2018


The police have said that there 5,000 people on the peaceful march, although I've heard some say that there were 30,000 people marching "against extremism" and for justice.

UKIP members, Veterans, DFLA, FLA. Taking our country back. Why isn't this being covered by the national media, international media. Earlier this month while bathing, England's flag, appeared before my eyes, yes, England, it's on. We are taking our country back.

England's flag, otherwise known as the St George's Cross

This huge event happened on the 24th of March, the "Day of Simplicity". The anniversary weekend of the Son of Joseph's birthday, go dads, go. I remember the days when he used to be on the phone to people in Birmingham and Manchester. He was on the landline a lot.

Great to see so many women on the march and demo too, tourist Tan (Malaysia) joined in, (the laughing buddha in the red jacket) and I did notice some people from other countries in the crowd with their flags too. I have only shared a few short clips, although there is a lot more on youtube. Our people are reclaiming our country, regeneration not replacement.

In the march visions the golden yellow light was swirling in the red and then it finally turned into a golden yellow ball in a red surround.


MEP, Gerard Batten is UKIP's interim leader.
He's done some great work defending England in the EU parliament.
Tommy Robinson interviews him in the above video.
Gerard tells you what he "hates" and what he "loves".


I've called this painting TAN in respect of the man from Malaysia that has been standing up for our country at Speakers Corner in London.  He says, that "Britain comes first, and tourists come next. Make Britain Great Again".   I think of him as the laughing buddha, and he is saucy. At Speakers Corner he said to the orthodox Muslims, "I am Jesus". 

He also said, "Next week I will come with laptop and tell you prophecy". I do like getting a tan on my olive skin. 

For sure these marches are in defence of our Judeo-Christian nation, our people and children. It reminds me of the Isaiah prophecy 49 that is a message to the Islands.

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