
Wednesday 14 March 2018


It was about a week ago during a telephone conversation that I shared with a friend that there was a shock coming in Shropshire to do with Islam and Muslims.

So I wasn't surprised to see the front page the other day, with the "Telford Scandal." I also noticed that only one newspaper made it the front page.

1,000's of vulnerable white British girls and apparently it has been going on for forty years. These newscasters are asking where is the outrage!

Over a decade ago, I was sending our emails to my distribution list, person after person kept on asking to be removed from the list, because they couldn't handle the reality checks that was being shared about Islam.

In 2007, I even warned a British MP that if they didn't stop the immigration, there would be bloodshed in every town and city. I also shared with him what was happening in London with the eastern European girls, and what Muslims were doing to them too.

He didn't believe me, then a couple of years later, the police investigation was in the newspapers. How they were making arranged marriages, to get British passports, they offered those girls money and a flat in exchange. After they were married, their Muslim husbands then became their "pimps".

I was compelled by the LORD, to keep on sharing, to make sure that people knew what was going on in towns and cities in the UK. To encourage people to take action, to warn women and their children and for men to protect, women and children.


The fact of the matter is that in Islamic prophecy, it mentions taking the women and children as war booty. It's social jihad. That is what the Arab Saudi did, he took the bereaved Jewish woman and any other woman he fancied, that is the history of Islam that many Muslims follow.

This news about Telford, happened at the same time as three white western investigative journalists were stopped from entering the UK. An Austrian (EU), a Canadian, (Commonwealth) and an American, young truth tellers were held in detention centres.

On Sunday, I wept, and wept and wept, and I was divinely guided that it was about the "destruction of trust in men".  Then I saw this news about Telford in Shropshire.

Labour MP, Ann Cryer sounded the alarm 15 years ago, again people closed her down, and called her a 'racist". In that video above she said, "I was rocking the multi-cultural boat, but how do you get changes without talking about it?".  When Americans started calling yours truly a "racist" on-line, while I was sharing the truth about Islam, it's writings, and deeds around the world, my reply was "I only have ace cards in my right hand".

I gave people in social media their "race card", back, as it was theirs to own, they've played their "race card", over and over again in America, to shut down freedom of speech, and Islam is not a race.

Enough of the political correctness and the PC brigade that I have been campaigning against for nearly two decades on-line.  We have to have freedom of speech, it is a universal human right.

Unfortunately the American's infected the UK and other European countries with their 'race card',  via social media and in education.

Muslims living in the UK, cannot ignore what is going on all over our country, and all over Europe, and anywhere that orthodox Islam goes and nor can we.  To the news outlets that are not covering this catastrophe in our nation, it really is time they read the Qu'ran. In India, they even tried to get the Qu'ran banned.

We have to close our borders, we have to stop all Islamic immigration, we have to close the mosques and Islamic schools, if we are to have any chance at all of saving our country. Our country is in the throes of cultural genocide, so people better wake up and fast. Take action to defend our country, our culture, our people, women and children.

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