
Wednesday 14 March 2018

March 14 Passings

A great song for mum's birthday, a day in my memory bank. Today, is the "Day of Relativity".

News today is that the remarkable Stephen Hawking's has passed over and the name Stephen was given for this painting during February.


He was 76 years old, bless him. Extraordinary people, do extraordinary things. This amazing character passed peacefully in Cambridge.

He was born on the 8th of January, 1942, a Capricorn and most recently he was campaigning to save our NHS. In fact, Stephen and some doctors in London began to bring a court case against NHS England, I'm sure that will still continue.

Whether you were into science, physics, or cosmology, you couldn't help noticing the impact that this man had on our culture's view of the disabled. Such incredible talent, such amazing tenacity, he never gave up on himself or the will to good, an incredible inspiration to so many people internationally.

He was one of the signatories of the "Charter for the Third Millennium on Disability" which called on governments to prevent disability, and protect the rights of the disabled".

You can appreciate why he was standing against Theresa May, and the Conservatives due to the impact that they have had on disabled people and the NHS In England.

I do remember that Stephen said that if it hadn't been for the NHS, he wouldn't have been able to do what he did. As such, he honoured our British medical profession and all of the help that he was given. It was such a great achievement, a brave and courageous soul.

I'm not surprised that he passed over while Saturn is in Capricorn. From his words, it's clear that he didn't accept the gospel of perfection. In my reality, perfection is in the eye of the beholder. I think now he has passed over, he will see how perfect his soul journey was. I do think that he would like to come back in a new body in a different lifetime in the future. There are many lifetimes. 

He gave a lot of people a lot of reality checks during his lifetime.  He must have agreed to a difficult journey pre-destination, to help transform humanity and its views. Although, everyone has to admit he did it with style, and he did receive glory and honour for what he achieved. I'm sure that the medical scientists gained so much from him.

A very special soul journey, and his three children live to take his legacy onwards, this Professor is legendary in the history and culture of our country, and legends never die.

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