
Tuesday 20 March 2018

PUG Defending Freedom of Speech

Can I really take this seriously, that a case of a Scottish guy with a pug dog makes a video to make his girlfriend mad at him, and he ends up in court due to Scottish police deciding to prosecute him with their communication law. Apparently, the case has been going on for two years, and they bring it to court in the year of the dog, surely, they can't be serious.

A man and his pug, defending freedom of speech by making a joke video and posting it on youtube.

Now we've got pugs defending freedom of speech too, I am finding it difficult to keep a straight face.

Just think of the huge costs involved in police and court time, the police have become the "speech police" in the UK. That's an easy job isn't it, that's easy to meet their targets, just pick an innocent man, with the full force of the law, and what can he do. Get himself a decent lawyer.

A Lebanese Jewish man, a university professor from Canada, GAD SAAD has been asked to weigh in on the case. This is his response.

Even Newsweek have featured the story, internet sensation. When the Daily Mail in the UK tried to feature it in their newspaper, apparently, the DM Youtube channel was taken down because their news article featured the original video. 

Milo has weighed in, he's got some Jewish blood in his veins too!

I think we could send pug pictures to all the MP's, saying this pug does not agree with the Scottish speech police force or your communication law. The fact the guy could get a prison sentence just for trying to be a comedian is beyond comical. If he goes to prison, so could Jonathan Pie and all of the comedians from all of the western countries. The "Speech Police" have to be stopped.

I can't condone what he said, even in fun, although I couldn't send him to prison for it, could you. I couldn't arrest him for it either. I'd probably give him a cautionary phone call and ask to think about it more deeply.

I think all the pug owners should attend the court in April when the sentence is given, and take their pugs with them. Pugs unite to defend freedom of speech and the comedian. What a photo opportunity that would be for the pugs. Come on dog owners, get on it!

The dog licked it, and the Pug's name is Buddha.

UPDATE 23rd March, 2018. 

Comedian, Jonathan Pie has weighed in.

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