
Wednesday 21 March 2018


I had a dream of property and it looked like it was in a large city like London. Loads of businesses of all sizes had left the old buildings as the government plan was to completely replace the buildings. As the land had become a prime site in the city.

There were estate agent signs all over the historic buildings and they looked like converted warehouses from the time of the industrial revolution.

However, things didn't work out the way that the property developers had planned, and people were talking of allowing the businesses to come back again to those buildings.

Then there was a different aspect to the dream and a Swedish business man was in the dream. At this point there was some discussion, and there was also a woman in the dream. The key word in the dream was "expectation", and how things hadn't worked out the way that some people had expected.

The people in the dream reminded yours truly what I had thoughtfully shared with the people decades ago about the importance of not having expectations, as things don't always turn out the way that you think that they will. Decades ago, I was sharing with people to have "no attachment to outcomes", and the importance of staying flexible.

Dreaming of real estate transactions, whether purchase, sale, or transfer, indicates an increase in material wealth, probably through inheritance. Buildings can represent life achievement, the buildings were "old and dilapidated" and in dream interpretation that can mean that people better start saving for the days ahead as renovations are required.

The dream is about regeneration of existing properties, and not replacement thereof as the people are against replacement of their cultural heritage and historical achievements.

To dream of signs (there was a huge amount of them on both sides of the road) can indicate approaching opportunities in a business environment especially for small and medium sized businesses.

To dream of a foreign place or country indicates that the realisation of your heart's desire is closer than you might think, persevere and be patient. A foreigner in your dream, whatever the nationality, is auspicious if the person was friendly.  The fact that there was a man from a different EU country, says to me that this dream is not just about one country and it does relate to northern Europe.

There has been a series of business dreams of people in England this year with men and women in the specific dreams. It indicates that these people are important to the divine plan, the divine plan of regeneration that is far greater and far more important than anyone can replace.

This is also Spring Equinox, northern Europeans have been known to celebrate it during the history of our historic cultures. The 21st of March, is the "Day of Clarity". 

If we cross reference this with the prophecies, it takes us to Isaiah 49 and that chapter is about the restoration.  'Yes, captives will be taken from warriors, and plunder retrieved from the fierce, I will contend with those that contend with you, and your children I will save". Isaiah 49:25 

"They will come from the north and they will come from the west, and some will come from the region of Aswan". Isaiah 49:12. Interesting that some of our guys in London, have claimed a black Egyptian ancestry, and they're very active in defending our people and freedom of speech.

Some of them are even doing interviews with Tommy Robinson and each other. Most of them are strongly against Islam, and what it does, as they know about the "Arab slavery" and what that has done to the people and cultures throughout the history if Islam.

I've been to Aswan on a nile cruise after the new millennium began. I took a spiritual friend on the cruise for her 50th because it was her dream to go to Egypt.

In the region of Aswan, you have ancient Nubia that is between Aswan and Sudan.

Interesting then that on this Spring equinox, after I came across our guys in London that are defending freedom of speech, I then have a dream of a man from northern Europe. Timing is everything.


  1. Swedes ask for help from Americans to save Sweden.

  2. In an interview with Hungarian news channel M1, a woman says she left Sweden after 40 years because of increasing migrant crime.

    The woman now lives in Hungary and according to her, “There is no safety at all” in Sweden and “things have gotten worse”. She says she is not the only one leaving the country; others in Sweden are doing the same and “Left the country as well”.

  3. News from London city, Mile End.

    The latest incident comes after a horrific spike in violent crime in London saw eight people killed in the space of seven days.

    Seventeen men under the age of 25 have now been killed in violent crimes in London so far in 2018.

    A Met Police spokesman said officers were called to reports of gunshots at Mile End station just after 10.30pm on Friday.

    He added: “Officers, including firearms officers, attended. Two men, aged in their 20s, were found suffering from gunshot injuries.

  4. London tenants to protest at auction of social flats worth £7.2m.
