
Saturday 31 March 2018

Lord Alan Sugar Memes Jeremy Corbyn

Lord Alan Sugar left the Labour Party, Alan Sugar memes Jeremy Corbyn and the Socialists are furious. Alan Sugar on the side of freedom of speech. Alan has a sense of humour, he Tweeted, "Many a true word spoken in jest Corbyn". Corbyn supporters have reported Alan and his tweet to the "speech police".

71 year old business man, Jewish Londoner, Alan Sugar, his autobiography titled, "What you see, is what you get". I used to say that to people, London phrasing. He comes from Hackney mate, don't mess with the real east enders, they ain't sweet when they're on it.  

At least Alan takes Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters on.

It's turned into a Twitter row between the business man -v- politicians. When Alan was told to remove the Tweet, Alan responded, "Dear Mr McDonnell I am sorry that you are offended by my retweet on the picture. First let me say that I was not the originator, it has been doing the rounds. You need to get Corbyn to make a firm statement about anti-semitism". Alan had shared his Tweet with 5.5. million of his Twitter followers. 

This comes right after there was a "anti-semitism" conference in Israel last week. 

Although it does remind me of a visit to Amnesty International, the first things that they asked me when I arrived was, "Are you clairvoyant", and "Are you Jewish", in that order. I responded, "Yes, to the first question, and Yes, I do have some Jewish blood in my veins. There are a lot of socialist "anti-semitists" involved in Amnesty International, although I was told that local Amnesty groups in the UK were disbanding when I met some of it's members.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and be courageous. Do not be afraid, and do not be discouraged. For the LORD your God will be with you, wherever you go". Book of Joshua

Jewish Passover, Alan had to do something, he's a big meatball of Jewish love really. I can see why I was making meat balls last night, Alan has definitely got balls. Funny that my sauce for the meatballs included some sugar, red wine vinegar, soya sauce and honey. They were delicious and the meat balls were made with thyme and sage, garlic, onions, sesame seeds and matzo meal.


A lot is happening in our region, hey Alan. First you and your tweets, after that the shuttle bus at Stansted airport. Hope you weren't flying from that airport this weekend. 

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