
Saturday 31 March 2018


Jonathan Pie on the Gender Pay Gap, does it really exist. Listen to the facts.

Great one, although economists have stated that salaries for both men and women haven't increased in real terms since the 80's, while the cost of living as soared in the last 40 years. 

So although there isn't a pay gap between men and women, there is certainly a bigger pay gap between rich and poor. 

In the last 40 years the rich have got richer and the poor have got poorer. No longer can the poor afford to purchase property, no longer can the poor afford to start their own businesses. Remembering that a lot of poor people were able to start their own businesses prior to the 80's recession and some went on to employ staff too.

In the 70's a mortgage repayment was just 10% of one person's salary. £90 a month for a mortgage, for a two bedroom flat in London, now compare that with today. Even rents in social housing are at least for times that amount for the smallest properties in Europe. Yet, property developers just keep on building them. There is a biblical prophecy that says that people will start saying, no, I am not living in that, it's too small.

It stands to reason that if people cannot afford to live, that jams up the economy. If people don't have any cashflow due to the high cost of living that rebounds upon the economy due to the little amount that people have to spend on purchases. Austerity brings an economy to a grinding halt. That's why Theresa May is being bought by foreigners, and looking for foreign investment. Instead of promoting investing in our own people like Maggie Thatcher did, austerity is not investing in our people. 

Maggie Thatcher was correct when she warned the British people to buy British, and that the EU plan was to make the poor, poorer. The UN now plan to bring in another 100 million economic migrants with the excuse of climate change.

That is cultural genocide, is that subject matter too sensitive Jonathan Pie. As Prophet Isaiah said, "to loose the chains of injustice". Isaiah 58:6 and Hab 2:12 doesn't that relate to the story of the Exodus.

Interesting that America is viewed in the same way as Egypt by some and Obama was also viewed as it's Pharaoh. Yet, over 5 million Jewish people chose to live in America and some Jewish people left England to go to live in that country.

While in Israel I also met American Jewish people that were living in Israel, and some were on holiday in Israel, some were being educated in Israel.

Why anyone would wish to live in America, I'd like to know. Maybe it's because they live in bigger properties than ours in England, or perhaps because they have to pay huge amounts for healthcare and education, they must like paying a lot to live in America.

They even have to drive to get anywhere, if you go on holiday to a holiday complex, in America, there's no transport provided. You can't get anywhere without a car, America depends on cars, that's how they've built America.

You can see why Obama and Clinton took out the Libyan leader for Saudi and the Arab league, in Libya they had free education, free houses, free healthcare, free electricity and water. Now America can't compete with that can they, the American consumers that lived on credit cards and debt, instead of spending within their means and sharing their own natural resources.

Then you've got people like Billy Graham that hoarded $25M, and they all praised him, how crazy is that mentality. While homelessness increased by 43% in LA since 2013. Are the celebrities in LA opening their homes to these people, how about Obama and Michelle, are they in LA feeding these people. Hey Oprah are you feeding your people and giving them a home with your billions. You know what Jesus said to the rich man don't you.

The American "injustice", that can be found everywhere on the American owned social platforms, networks and forums. Some Americans don't like equality, and some don't like being called out, the women even change their reputation votes and have them removed, when they don't like them.

When I was sharing the truth on an American radio show, they stopped the interview. As God would have it, I could still hear them talking about me behind my back. He wished for me to find out what those American people were really like and it confirmed my feeling about those people that were running that show.

Those Americans, they didn't like to hear it, although there was one guy that agreed with me, although the others quickly silenced him.

They didn't pay my wages when the LORD told them too, they didn't pay for my flight to America, and they didn't pay for my dinner either. So I had to leave, I had no choice. The righteous live in a place of perpetual light, it's essential for the righteous to live in healthy environments, and America is definitely not a healthy place to be.

What they do during the American elections, they also do in the social networks. They don't like fairness do they, they don't like the fact that "the point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping." Hilarious, we can see beyond appearances into their hearts, words and actions.

What I can say about the Israeli's, is that I liked their honesty. They were always straight with me, and they were very appreciative of the love that was showered upon them during my stay with them. Israel is a very different country to America, a completely different culture, Israel really is cultured.

One of the Israeli wives came to speak to me in May 2006, and she said to me, "my husband can't put you in a box". He was trying to work me out, as some people do, lovely man, a Yemenite Jew. I thought of that lovely couple this morning, how kind they were to gift yours truly, with a hamsa, and take me to a Jewish wedding in Tiberius on the waters edge. It was a beautiful wedding.

My matzo, sesame, meat balls are lovely. I shall make more next time and put some in the freezer. 

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