
Friday 9 February 2018

SOLAR ECLIPSE 15th February

When your friends and people that you know are glad that you have come back come to them, and people are celebrating the progress that has been made, especially in health. No external reality could stand in the way of what had to be done to make the changes that had to be made. The emotive social evolution, energising people to innovate change.

Gladness of heart when there are improvements in your life and health. It's great for the partial solar eclipse, all these decades later the matchmaker still exists and this forthcoming partial solar eclipse in Aquarius, is a great reminder to the outer world of exactly who the founder of that club was.

Connecting and reconnecting people together, bringing people together to share, and be together.

No coincidence then that there have been dreams of English colleagues, friends, and messages relating to those that I had to call recently, the dreams also that included life achievements.

You could say that these incoming solar eclipse energies are about celebrating the achievements of others, especially when the success was in helping others to make breakthroughs. Hence, I also honoured my dad for his achievement in co-creating this reality in a recent post, "These are the days".

He liked to sing this song, amongst others, he loved to sing and dance, so many happy times they shared together, they made everyday as special as they could for each other, a natural love that stood the test of time.

It's a great eclipse to say thank you, whether you do that by email, phone call, writing a poem for that person, or just reconnecting and going where they are together. Friendships are so important to Aquarians, in the life of the Aquarian, they usually last longer than their relationships. Aquarius is one of the most loyal signs of the zodiac, so you are sure to see that loyalty in presence where friendships are concerned.

The Aquarian humanitarian. The 15th of February, is the "Day of Inventiveness". These are the days to be thankful for all that we have been blessed with during our lifetimes. So be inventive with your thanks. So for instance, today, I am sending a poem, with a prayer, and a hand painted card to remind an elder and her partner of our sweet memories shared. So much love and healing being sent with the card, loads of positivity, and love beyond measure.

The solar eclipse energies have already started coming in, and the wave will go right through my birthday, then Valentines day, prior to reaching it's peak on the 15th. So it is a very romantic time of the year, especially for this incurable romantic.

The number of 15 is thought to be a lucky number in numerics, a number of personal magnetism, and business usually requires that it's leader has such magnetism to empower their staff to reach their potential. That sometimes means helping them to move on to improve and grow their CV's, it might include recommending that they require further study, or experience, prior to finding their dream job or career.

You usually know quite quickly if a youngster has self-initiative or whether they have to be led all of the time. Some people are born to lead, and some are born to follow, people are not all the same, and the education system can't manufacture people to be the same as each other. Uniqueness is essential for the life of the soul and each have their own journey, although sometimes our pre-destined spiritual journey's can coincide and align for divine purpose. Some might call it soul mates, some might call it soul groups that are just meant to be, and no matter how you try to leave them, you are always called back to join them.

15 is also the age that I left school, and began to work full-time, how the decades go so quickly. Interesting that I also lived in properties with that numeric, and my parents certainly had charisma.

Not only is the eclipse on the 15th, it is also a saros 150, so we have the numeric of 15 once again.

15+15 = 30, the Lamed, in the Hebrew alphabet, the shepherds staff. The date and month, 15 x 2 = 30 again.

Hoping to celebrate my birthday on the 13th with a friend that has said that she would like to celebrate too. Life is for living it, and the departed righteous dwell in the perpetual light, imperative to stay healthy for as long as you possibly can hence the light of love is crucial to the improvement of health and life. Preferably hands-on.

Whatever your career and work life contains, Aquarius is always hands-on, roll your sleeves up, and get on with it. We don't hold back, we are full on and in charge of our lives as we know where we would to like go and what we would like to do, whether others come with us or not.

Of course that takes effort, internally, and externally, although as it is written the natural came first and the spiritual came afterwards.

Natural healing can take a long time depending on how serious your encounter with health is and how long that you have had the condition. It was great to share that my hands had been strengthened as it is written in the biblical texts. It's a great reminder to others that miracles really can and do happen for those that are true of heart.

Shalom, be complete, be whole, be pure in your intentions. Stay focussed, concentrate on the priorities of your lives. For yours truly, it is time for more stretches, more supplements, more work with nutrition, and just enjoying this timeline for the overcomer and the victory that it brings.

Glad to be back guys, it's a creative time so I shall be painting some more and just see where it takes me with these incoming eclipse energies. February being the second month of the year, and my time to enjoy myself.

This eclipse is over the southern hemisphere, so a great eclipse for those that live in the south or were born in the south. With 27 degrees in Aquarius, my sun sign, and 27 is the number of the sceptre. 2+7 = 9. the numeric of completion. Divine love in manifestation on the earth plane.

It's a fortunate numeric, a number of courage, and a promise of a person blessed with authority.

A productive work life, has brought great rewards, due to it being led by the Spirit, the number of originality, and creative ideas. Don't listen to others, be intuitive this eclipse, as the recent dream conveyed, 27 is a numeric of good karma, and karmic reward and it signifies a great welcoming for the divine intervention.

In the Jewish calendar it is the beginning of the new month of Adar, Rosh Chodesh Adar begins at sundown on the 14th. In the orient it is the beginning of the week of the Chinese Year of the Dog.

Hence there will be celebrations internationally for that too. I always enjoyed the Chinese New Year celebrations. Great memories of being with the business community, supporting our local restaurants and raising money for charity at the same time. We had so much fun together.

This eclipse comes in the week of Aquarius III, the water bearer, and Aquarians think a lot, sometimes too much when young. They are lively, inventive, affectionate and tactile. Although they can become "irritable", if they lack sleep, food, water, and other essentials for life.

If they feel weak physically or are in a weak position emotionally, they can become very vulnerable to external energies. Hence why it is important that people in the Aquarian age, make sure that they've done their homework and healing on an emotional level, get that moon under your feet, like the wondrous woman from heaven, and do your utmost to strengthen your physical. In whatever way that you can.

The week of Aquarius III is also the week of ACCEPTANCE, and "having an acceptance of that which is", it vibrates at the level of the thymus. So when external energies impacted on my life and those that I care about recently, I just went with the flow of it, and walked away from those people in different realities.

Some things are just not worth the effort to convince people why they shouldn't do what they do. Much better to concentrate your energies on what and who is really important to you and your life in a positive way. However, if you find yourself in a situation where you have to walk away, then please make sure that you leave people with their dignity in tact. It's important to accept that some people choose to learn the hard way, instead of the easy way, and that really is their choice and journey.

You can't please all of the people, all of the time, you certainly learn that early in life, if and when you self-reflect upon it. So protect your sensitive hearts, as the heart does impact upon the thymus, and your ability to feel the truth easily.

Those that have any health issues with the thyroid, usually have a blockage in the thymus, and the thymus can also impact upon the heart, as all is connected in the body. What I have found with adults with "Thyroid" issues, is that they're usually very "fixed", on things, and it can be very difficult to get them to budge.

What they have to do is just allow life to flow like a river in their lives like the water bearer, and know that it is therapeutic to cry, to release the "toxins" in the head, and cleanse the eyes. As they tend to hold onto emotion inside, instead of expressing it. Until they learn not too. It can be expressed in many different ways, it's important to get it out of the body. Otherwise, some part of your body will clam up due to the "emotional toxins" experienced while living life.

This song and film clip always reminds me of our local town hall, I walked up and down those steps a few times raising money for local charities, and we definitely did dance at the charity balls. So enjoy the solar eclipse energies, and stay relaxed. Dancing helps people to relax, and feel the sense of freedom, that Aquarians love to enjoy. Dancing is a great relaxer and can be very therapeutic. Singing too, get those vocal cords going and enjoy it.

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