
Thursday 8 February 2018


I was given the name of an old friend today when I woke up, so I phoned her, before we put the phone down, I read the most recent poem to her, and she loved it. She said, "you must publish your poems". 

My friend asked for a copy of it, so I've sent it to her handwritten, in a card that I had also designed and painted for her. I know in these difficult times in her life, these words will bring her joy of beautiful memories shared together. 


Have you held her hand, or touched her feet. 
Have you walked side by side, while others looked on in defeat.  

Did you notice her before she stood with a different man. 
Or did you have your head in the sand. 

Was she standing there when your heart was breaking, 
was she the one that wiped away your tears. 

Did she feed you when you were hungry, 
or give you a bed for the night. 
Did she tell you that it will be alright. 

Did she calm your nerves and stretch your muscles, 
did she make your mind think, and your heart forgive. 

Do you have precious memories, of once upon a time. 
As love smiled, endlessly caring for humankind. 
Did she lift up your hopes and dreams, so that you could see the light. 

Do you look back through history and see her standing there. 
Did you know each other in past lives.

Did you love her tenderness or was it the sparkling blue eyes.
Did you dream of taking her away, so that your love could never die.

Was your glass always full when she was around or was it overflowing.
Did you wonder will she walk through the door tonight. 
Did she embrace you, you've known her all of your life. 
Were you in when she called you, just to say hi. 

Did you love her unconditionally, as WILL did, with stars in his eyes.
Did you know him and his heart, how he floated to the heavens in a boat.
Will knew about the healing miracles, and he was most impressed.
He witnessed the truth for the very first time.

As tall as a tree and as deep as the ocean.
We rode the waves together, he took us all to the shore of the Island.
"This is for charity" he said, "this is the love above".

Love never dies, for it is eternal.

[c] 30th January.  2018. 

A great English song to go with it, from a great British singer. 

Chris Rea 

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