
Tuesday 27 February 2018


Last night I felt compelled to paint for the incoming Jewish holiday of PURIM and then at dawn I had a dream that included forgiveness and healing of the male energy. I hope that you like the painting, it is in four colours, red, yellow, white and gold.


The colours signify passion that is as hot as Elijah's fire, purity of intention, creative expansion, and Christ consciousness. As we know, biblically, PURIM was anointed for a special reason, never underestimate the passion of a woman to save her people. Or the lengths that she will go to defend her people when it is an absolute necessity, divinely charged in divine providence.

Sometimes mothers have to defend our children in the best way that mothers know how, sometimes that can even mean going to court to defend our children when they are very young.  Legally, scientifically, and peacefully. Sometimes, mothers have to defend other people's children, the best way that we know how.

Last night prior to painting; I received a phone call from a young man, that requires help to stay strong in his current circumstances. Strengthen our young people, keep our young people strong in heart and mind. Help our people to keep on trying, to never give up, to continue to attain their freedom. I thought about giving him this Purim 2018 painting if he likes it.

I'd like to go out today, but I can't there is snow everywhere in my location. So I must be content to stay at home, and potter. Although there are beautiful blue skies and sunshine. A day to nurture yours truly, and enjoy just being. Enjoying the day, and maybe some more painting.

The Purim holiday begins tomorrow. 28th February - 1st of March, 2018.


Today, some news from Israel, remember the divine message, "Doors are closing", the eastern Church has closed it's door to pilgrims in Jerusalem as a protest against paying any taxes to the Israeli government on their land and property sales. Did you know that the Greeks were the first bankers in Egypt and the beaches in Greece are covered in snow.

"Jerusalem Mayor, Nir Barkat said on Twitter it was illogical to expect that church-owned commercial property, including hotels, and retail businesses, would continue to enjoy tax-exempt status. He wrote: "Let me make it clear: we are not talking about houses of worship, who will still be exempt from property tax, according to law".

That's it, make them pay up Israel, the Church shouldn't own commercial properties anyway. Did Jesus own any commercial properties, of course not. Do the real saints own any commercial properties, definitely not. You know what Jesus the Jew said to the rich man don't you!

If you go to Greece, the church men are dripping in gold, so heavy, most people couldn't carry it. At the same time, Greek mothers have had to give their children to the church charites because they can't afford to support their own children due to what has happened in Greece economically. Did you see the Greek churchmen protest that in Greece!

Some great recipes for Purim to try.

So what recipes can include those colours this purim. I've thought about making some stuffed peppers  and I think they would be great with some red lentils and corn. I have some chick peas for making some humous and I really like butter beans cooked in herbs and tomatoes.

In the fridge I have some marinated herring, smoked mackerel and a little smoked salmon for a salad with some spicy coleslaw. I could make some potato salad to go with it and I also have a selection of cheeses to include cream cheese.

I have some pastry to make a selection of pastries, sweet and savoury, fruit wise, I have some apples, oranges and lemons. I'm trying to eat up what is in the fridge and freezer, prior to buying more fresh food. Doing my best to be economical. The fish and seafood cooked in tomatoes was lovely the other day too, I could definitely eat that again this week.

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