
Tuesday 27 February 2018


Awake very early today, as I had a dream of an ex-partner. In the dream he was having an orgasm, I could only see his head, and his eyes were rolling with the orgasm. I began to talk to him about forgiveness, and I was really in my power and speaking strongly to him. Then I was determined to give him healing, and placed my hands on his heart.

Sometimes ex-partners can come to you in dream state for healing. The last time that I saw that man in altered state was in the 90's. This dream tells me that he is probably having some heart issues and forgiveness is powerful for the healing of the heart, especially when it is hands-on.

Sometimes people have to forgive themselves for what they have done during their lifetimes.

Remember what Jesus said, "They know not what they do" due to the long term repercussions.

The fact that I was so willing to communicate to him about forgiveness, and so determined to give him healing, is an excellent sign for healing relationships. Sometimes we don't always choose relationships for the right reasons, so both parties have to take responsibility for the choices that are made. It's crucial that people listen to their intuition in relationships and not fight against it - because the soul does it's utmost to warn you in advance if and when you are in any danger.

When we are young, it is often the case that we are not aware of our own strength that can both attract and repel weaker souls. The dream also indicates that I am his healer, on many different levels of existence and that is often the case in relationships, souls that are suffering, are attracted to healed souls to help them to heal their lives.

Men are also attracted to receive healing from women, and remember that even Jesus received healing from the women that lived in his spiritual community. A great supporter of the female healers in the healing community.

Forgiveness is a major key to the healing process of personal relationships, and the greatest teacher of forgiveness in my life has been Jesus. He helped yours truly to forgive so much that happened during my life, he kept me true to the divine every step of the way. His love is so incredibly powerful, beyond measure, it's HOT when he showers you with his love, just like it is now as I write this in response to the dream.

Forgiveness is so important in healing; it's amazing how much your energy changes, when you can implement it into your life. In that bust of Jesus found in the excavations on the borders of modern-day Afghanistan, you will see the little buddhist bun on his head. Once upon a time, there was a grand ancient Greco-Buddhist city in that location. That bust is such an accurate depiction of Jesus to whom I am truly grateful for his divine interventions in my life and journey. He taught me so much about the healing and ascent of the soul so that it can merge with the Spirit.


Last night I felt compelled to spread the paint again, and this is the first of the Purim paintings. It's in four colours, red, yellow, white and gold.

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