
Saturday 10 February 2018

Iran-Syria -v- Israel Comment

I've seen the news today and a lot of comments in response to youtube news about what has happened in the Golan Heights. First let me say thank God that the Israeli pilots are safe. They ejected from the planes safely.

As far as I am concerned, the Iranian military should not be in Syria, as it is too close to Israel, and Syria should know better than to have Iranian military on their land. Iranian leaders have no intention of having peace in the middle east. Iranian leaders are intent on wiping Israel off the map, and no humanitarian and heart of loving kindness, can agree with Iran on that. Israel has the right to exist!

Remember it was Iran that backed Hezbollah when Lebanon and Gaza started the war against Israel in 2006. Remember Islam started that war, and Israel finished it. I was in Israel when the first rockets were fired into Israel that year.

It was the Egyptian Arafat and his men in the mid 70's, that decimated the Lebanese Christians that lived in southern Lebanon. Tell the children the truth.

Israel will defend itself against Iran, whether people like it or not. The best thing that Syria can do is make the Iranian military leave Syria. I have defended Israel and Syria for years, but I will not defend Iran being in that region of the middle east.

So what does Daniel Pipes say about the acceptance of Israel and it's Jewish state. Bearing in mind that this forthcoming solar eclipse is about acceptance.

Some people have mentioned the UN, and international law, I have no time for the UN, as they have just denied a thorough investigation into human rights issues in North Korea. The UN members have had one target and that is Israel, so enough already. Why doesn't the UN do a report on Iran, or China, or Cuba, North Korea, Pakistan, etc etc.

Some orthodox American Christians think that Damascus will be destroyed by war, is that what the prophecies say, the biblical prophecy says that Damascus will be destroyed by a great earthquake.  War is not an earthquake, so know the difference between the two different realities. If and when that earthquake happens, it won't just impact upon Syria either, it will also impact on Gaza etc.

It will be an environmental disaster that impacts upon Syria, and it won't be the first time in it's history, that the environment has impacted upon that land in that region.

Remember this, they say it's in Turkey, when in fact, when those stones were erected it was Syrian land. 12,000 years BC.

Remember how the Turks took the land of the Armenians too and how about some of Cyprus.

They've been trying to lay claim to Greek islands in recent years too. Why do you think that the Turks kept on sending Muslims to the Greek islands and to Greece.

Shalom, Israel, thinking of you. 

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