
Saturday 10 February 2018


February paintings, 9th of February, 2018. The photographs haven't come out as I would like so I will scan these once the scanner is sorted. However, it does give you an idea of what the paintings look like. The golden age painting has photographed the best for the incoming solar eclipse energies. 

The first painting is lazuli blue, creative yellow, gold and silver. 

February 2018.

Sometimes paintings look different the other way up, that paint was spread in landscape, although I think it is meant to be turned around. The hoover that I bought last year is lazuli blue and it stop working yesterday. My hoover has gone on strike, big smiles. Clearly, I'm not meant to be doing housework, so I began painting instead. 

I really enjoy painting, I've got stacks of paintings. Although I do like to give them to people as gifts.

Valentines Composer

This painting reminds me of an Englishman who has a birthday on the same day as mine. I can see a face in the picture. Best wishes to the composer, love reigns. Legends never die. So write your music from your heart, engage with many hearts with the sounds that you produce.

The eclipses in February have included leaving realities, it is important to be in realities that are conducive for your health. The departed righteous dwell in perpetual light, as health and healing is the priority of the righteous lives of the spiritual. Love beyond measure provides a wonderful harvest for those with sincere and pure hearts. 

This month that has included two eclipses has been a time of "letting go", so that the new can come into your lives. My new one year in my life cycle begins on my birthday this month, a year of new beginnings, a new chapter, a new phase in the book of my life. So are you ready, do you have a new style of your own, have you been recreated, reinvented, rejuvenated in the uniqueness of your soul. 

It has been a month when poetry has been written, and paintings have been heaven sent. It is always a month that is special in my heart, and the outflowing of love continues from this water bearer. It has been a month of giving and receiving this month. Myself and others were given a beautiful posy of herbs, and we ate almond cake together. We were indeed blessed with the company that shared from the heart. 

Reminding those that are loved, I haven't forgotten you, always in my heart. As the Son of God said to yours truly, "Never forget who you are". "Christ Light".

Last night I heard a woman's voice, a voice that I know, a woman that has known yours truly for over 30 years, and her voice was in amazement, "how many talents does she have, she goes on and on, she never stops". Only a talented woman would think of and say such words to yours truly, bless her soul.

We shared so many great times together, our lives and hearts united in the power of love. She is a legend in my life and the lives of others, we were definitely meant to be in each others lives, a remarkable journey shared and it included healing miracles.

That Jewish woman, could reach and touch my heart, like no other woman could, and she did receive her rewards for doing so. A woman that was so protective of my heart, and truly understood the zany Aquarian. 

Golden Age 

The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes. 

The overcomer is victorious has it was meant to be. 

So many prophecies have been fulfilled with heavenly wisdom. 

I smile when I think of it. 

What's for lunch today, green salad and coronation chicken, homemade chicken broth vegetable soup. Coronation chicken is great because you can put all the essential spices for your health in it. 

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