
Sunday 18 February 2018

Dream of Two Americans

I had a dream of two gorgeous young blond Americans at dawn this morning. The first American wasn't happy with me, the second American was happy. 

The dream indicated that they "miss" me, you are beautiful guys but Lotus Feet is not coming back to the American reality. 

In dream interpretation to dream of people from abroad can indicate an "unsettled condition", and a "probable change of location" for those people. 

To be aware of how many people there were in your dream indicates a personal increase in power and or prestige. The young blond American guys are going to have to shift, make their move and put more effort in.

So what is going in America today. More talk about communication and "Anglo-American" remarks. 

18th February, is the "Day of Playfulness"

So what is Lotus Feet doing, I am focussed on my locality and making interventions, where interventions can be made. Remember the prayer, that I used to say in the 80's. 

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference". 

Divine wisdom is focussing on the next phase of the divine plan. New beginnings, new directions, new instructions, having turned the corner in my new year of my life.

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