
Sunday 18 February 2018


A lovely little Blue Tit came to see me today, it's not everyday that you see one of those in the garden.

The little blue tit came with a message, it waited until I saw it whilst in the kitchen, then it flew into  the direction that it would like me to go. Blue tits like oak trees and I have an oak tree close to me.

They are very clever little birds "famed for their skill, as they cling to the outermost branches and hang upside down while looking for food". The agile gymnast, perky, acrobatic, they like to feed on nuts or suet. Wikipedia says that while it swings, it's calling is "tee, tee, tee".

They have a lovely call, and I can often hear them singing, they probably nest in the oak tree. It is written that their Ancient Greek name is KUANOS. It was the blue tits that had the ability to open milk bottles with foil tops in the days when they were left on our doorsteps. They liked the cream, these birds can digest dairy. So you can put a bowl of milk or cream out for them with seeds in it.


It's easy for these tiny birds to find a home. As they don't take up much room, although we also have woodland pigeons that have been nesting in the trees close by too. The pigeons are well fed they are. 

I like the colouring of these birds, and I like wearing lazuli blue and creative yellow together. Blue tit likes a sing song, so bring it on, let's all sing our song. 18th of February, "Day of Playfulness".

The colouring of the blue tit reminds me of recent paintings.

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