
Sunday 11 February 2018

Celebrity "Whitney Houston" Dream

I had another dream and it was one of those very long dreams when you're aware that there is so much to the dream, that you wonder whether you will remember it all in the morning.

As shared in a previous post, the woman that was prominent in the dream had short hair. If it was indeed Whitney Houston, it wouldn't be the first time that I have had a dream of her. The woman was smiling and happy, dressed exactly like this. In this video she is singing "I Love the Lord". 

Heart Leaf 

10th February, 2018 

This video is a better production of her singing. Amazing, 50 years of celebrating the dream.

In dream interpretation if you dream of a celebrity or someone famous, it is a message of encouragement to keep going, to carry on, to keep on trying, as help is coming from an unexpected source. A dream such as this is great confirmation, what you already know to be true in your heart.

Whilst in the dream the conversations that I remember were about continuing to be true to the self. you are doing the right thing, to live what you believe due to your own divine experiences, it is the righteous way. The departed righteous live in a place of perpetual light.

The celebrity was so happy as she stood there smiling and happy. It had been a great achievement of time shared. This dream experience just a couple of days prior to my birthday, and with the incoming solar eclipse energies.

She's just beautiful with her happy soulful spiritual energy, I sensed a contentment with the woman in the dream, it was more than happiness, it looked like a heart of a person that had been healed. She was joyous as the dream came to it's conclusion. After her passing all of those years ago, Whitney spoke and gave me a warning about America, and now there is a sense of relief with her.

OMG, that's incredible, I've just checked the date of her passing, Whitney Houston passed over on the 11th of February, 2012.


The Amazing Lucas shares about what Ben Carson said. 


Good news, my new hoover decided to start working again on the 12th of February. The sun is shinning, lots of fresh air with the windows open.

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