
Sunday 11 February 2018


I've posted the paintings in the order that the paint was spread. The "Heart Leaf" painting is in gold and red. Lots of different heart paintings at this time. During the night I had another dream, and in the dream there was a woman that looked like Whitney Houston with a short hair cut.  Her hair was even shorter than it is in this video. In fact, she looked like Aretha Franklin when she was young.

The dream was about being true to the self, and living what you believe. It was one of those very long dreams, when you are conscious enough to know that you are having a dream, and when in the dream, you think, "How am I going to remember all of this in the morning".

Heart Leaf 

Garden Energy 

Dad used to say that I had piano fingers like him. although my toes are the shape of my mums. 

It's interesting how you inherit different traits from your parents. Mum was creative with her hands, and dad was creative with his plans. Dad's eyes were blue, and mum's were brown. Dad had olive skin, and mum had fair skin. I inherited his olive skin and blue eyes, although they have brown specks. 

They both loved being in nature, and doing things naturally in their garden. The beauty of nature at home, and away. wherever they took us, it was usually in nature and we were fortunate to live near the most incredible park with the river flowing through it filled with wildlife. We often would take a walk to feed the ducks and the swans with bread together. 

I would often walk along the canals in London, just peacefully, in silence, in a world of my own in nature. I always liked the peacefulness of being in nature and we had the most wonderful rose gardens to walk through. The fragrance from the flowers was incredible.

Pink Hearts 

One of our European DJ's has posted this song today, a lovely Barry White song, it's one of the Valentines songs. Great song to go with the paintings of hearts from last night.

A name was given for this painting while painting it. 


"I say a little prayer", Aretha Franklin

So much in life, begins with a prayer. 

Interesting that there was an American woman with the name of Rosa Parks. She was an Aquarian Civil Rights Activist and she was called "The first lady of civil rights", they also called her "the mother of the freedom movement". Rosa was born on the 4th of February 1913, and passed over October 24, 2005, age 92. As we say, there is always a great woman with every great man.

The 4th of February, the date of Rosa's birth, was the "day of the unconventional". Her profile says that her home in Detroit, was bought and donated to artist Ryan Mendoza.


Her historic home where she lived in the 1950's, was then 'dismantled", and shipped to Germany, where it was re-erected in Mendoza's garden.

The house that was sold to her niece for $500. The artist, Mendoza complains a lot about America.

However, the question is why didn't the family of Rosa Parks keep the house in perfect condition.

They could have restored this house and kept it immaculate in her name.

Why didn't they!!!

Clearly, the African-Americans didn't care did they, until it was going to be "demolished".

Then there was sudden action to purchase it and then they had the audacity to put all of the responsibility onto the American government for not honouring the home where Rosa had lived.

Not much changes does it in America, time they took responsibility for their co-creation. If the African-Americans had honoured Rosa's historic home, maybe the American government would have done so too. Not even Obama did anything about it, LOL, the Obama's put on a great show didn't they for that black liberation church.

There were a lot of people in the dream, although the most prominent person was as I have described.

In dream interpretation to dream of a famous person, is a message of keep on trying, carry on, because you will get help from some unexpected source.

That was also the essence of the dream, stay true to the self, for you are the right way. The departed righteous dwell in a place of perpetual light. Spirit is with you, and we will always be with you, united in our hearts.

1 comment:

  1. Sad news today, another plane has gone down in Russia, 71 people were on the plane. Also some Americans were warned to pay attention to what was going on in their local communities, now it is seen what happens when they don't pay attention to the warnings given. Testimony of warning was delivered as the prophecy foretold that it would be.
