
Saturday 6 January 2018


While reading today, I began to smell fragrant soap and my mother liked fragrant soaps very much, especially those that were the same brand as the French perfume that she wore. So when I can smell fragrant soap, I do connect that with my mother and know that she is close by.

At Christmas and on some of her birthdays, I would make sure that she had a bar of her favourite soap, in the gifts that I bestowed upon her. So mum and I do have a strong connection with the soap, and fragrance is one of her signatures to recognise her by.

If you can smell a fragrance in this spiritual way, it is called "Clairscent" and it means "clear smelling".

This time of the year many people suffer with their skin conditions more than they do in the summer months and central heating certainly has a role in that, especially if you sit or sleep close to it. I don't have the heating on in my bedroom, as I don't think there is a requirement for it.

Some people say that psoriasis is an auto-immune condition. It is not, it is a condition that is due to mutated genetics that that you can be born with, and due to cuts that are often experienced in childhood.

The scientific evidence was shared in the May issue of New Scientist in 2006. Mutated genetics can be passed on from parents, and if you have more cuts during your young life, then that can increase the seriousness of the condition that you experience. Cuts in childhood can also co-create allergies too, proven scientifically.

Sunshine is one of the best things for skin conditions, sunbathing does have an incredible powerful impact. Hence, why people with the condition often move to sunnier climates. It has been known to clear up completely, or at least 95% when people move to a hotter climate that is more suitable for the skin.

Some people try different products, and some people even travel to Israel and the Dead Sea. I met some people that had been sent to Ein Gedi by the Danish government for the relief of their skin conditions. Those people were there for a month receiving treatment.

However, one of the men shared that they found that it was sitting in the sunshine that gave those people an 85% improvement and you don't have to go to Israel for that. It is incredibly humid at Ein Gedi. Too humid for my liking, I preferred northern Israel.

One of the remedies for skin conditions that is great for the skin, is oats. You just put some oats in a muslin bag and put the bag in your bath, then squeeze the milky water onto your skin. You can also gently squeeze the milky water onto the exact area where your skin might be requiring it.

If you like using soap then you might like to consider making your own oat soap, this recipe is for an oat and honey soap. At least when you make your own soap, you know that it is all natural ingredients.

My mother had a Christian spiritual heart, and she embraced life after death, and spiritual faculties. She knew that she would be able to be in contact with me after her passing, as that is what she lived and believed in with all of her heart, for all of her life. She taught to meet the passing with a smile, to be strong always and to put on a brave face if your heart was breaking. That if you smile, the world will smile with you and so it was, that I did my best to do as she had asked of yours truly.

I have my mother to thank for keeping my heart and mind open to spiritual experiences. It was my mother that opened up the spiritual path so that I could see it and it's opportunities. Her influence had a big impact on where life was going to lead, to the path of healing, and enlightenment. Although I was taken much further with it than she was.

In my healing room where she slept, I have a young grape vine, and in recent days it has blossomed with new green leaves. The vine of Joseph. Also in the healing room is an olive tree, some herbs and flowers.

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