
Sunday 7 January 2018


I am in my second year of checking the accuracy of the biorhythm cycles with how my body is responding and identifying critical days to be aware of.

So for instance today my physical is minus 100% so it is not a day for any physical exertion. Although gentle stretches exercises are ideal, making sure you continue to stretch those muscles because they are hugely important in supporting your joints to keep them flexible.

On an emotional level I have a minus 22% so a highly sensitive day, a day for tender loving care and self-nurturing. Make sure that you feed the body what the essential nutrients that the body requires, make sure that you caring for yourself, if there isn't anyone to take care of you. If you have any supplements to take, then make sure you take them today. Supplements require routine, so today is a good day to get into a routine that most suits your life.

It is an appropriate day for self-massage with healing oils, looking after yourself in the best way possible. It is a time to do whatever you can to make yourself feel better, and you know what is best for you to do that. I've always found cooking to be very therapeutic, so that is one of the things that I do for relaxation. As it is also something that I can do that keeps the body moving.

On days when my emotional levels are in minus. I've noticed that I tend to be exceedingly, the incurable romantic, sentimental and nostalgic, beautiful historic memories come to the fore. It's a time when I like to watch romantic films as I did last night.


It was a film with Diane Keaton that I really enjoyed. Especially as the film was filmed in England, and in Hampstead where I spent a lot of time with my gran Sophia. I've also swam in Hampstead and lived in that location in my youth, so it holds great memories in my book of life.

Although I can also have more planetary empathic and spiritual experiences when my defences are down. It's a time when your loved ones can draw close to you from a different realm of being, as my mother did yesterday.

Intellectually I am up with +100%, so it is a positive day to focus on any intellectual pursuit and that can take the mind off of what one might be experiencing on a physical level of being. Especially when you are in your third age. It's a good day for communications, attending to anything to do with reading or writing, paperwork, paying bills etc. It's a good day for teaching and sharing truth, a good day for any research that you might be interested in, and a good day, to focus your attention on your priorities.

In my secondary cycle today, spiritually it's a plus 78%, intuition at plus 92%, although aesthetics are a minus of 99%, so it's not a day for painting or any creative output that includes aesthetics.

Aquarians tend to be "accident prone", and a few days ago I did burn my right wrist on the oven.

Being "accident prone" would definitely be more prominent when your physical energetic levels and emotional levels are in minus.  So if you are an Aquarian sun sign it is very important to be aware of that, if you are not an Aquarian, it's important to know where the planetary configuration is in your birth chart.

If you have Sag rising in your ascendent as I do, that can impact upon anything to do with travelling, e.g. driving a car. Hence after the age of 40 is when I was most prone to having "car accidents" that definitely impacted upon the health of my back.

Another aspect to point out is that if you are experiencing any kundalini risings, that's not a good time to drive either, as it does impact upon your vision, and ability to see what's coming in any physical earthly reality, as you are so up in the heavens, it is hard to stay grounded during those times.

A kundalini rising can last hours, and sometimes it can last days. So please pay attention to what is happening with your body, if you are having spiritual experiences.


Yesterday was a critical day in my primary cycle and it is very important to be aware of your critical days so that you can work around it, and do what has to be done to improve your reality. So for instance a critical day is not a day to have any physical operations when your physical energy is in minus.

On my critical physical days I tend to feel it the most painful in my coccyx due to previous injuries. That's the time for your friends and family to send you the love to the area where you maybe suffering in your physical body.

If you would like to check your own biorhythm's I recommend

The only way that you can know that these energetic cycles are accurate is by checking it yourself on a regular basis. I tend to check it every few months, or when I feel intuitively that I have a requirement to do so.

This was also interesting, especially as my Venus is in Pisces.

I write this in self-disclosure hoping that you will find something in the written words that can help you to help yourself and to understand what is impacting upon you.


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