
Wednesday 17 January 2018

Milo on Christianity

Western media have been writing about what is happening to Christianity for at least a decade. Yet, if you offer the national media in England a hand of help, for Christianity, they don't even bother to reply to your email. An English Christian orthodox church leader said to me a few years ago, "We've got it all covered". I thought, you think so. Since that time, things have not improved for the Church, in fact, some keep on changing hands.  

Only when people experience it's mysticism, does it have any chance of survival. The truth of it's mystical roots are essential for the comprehension of the higher levels. Yet, how many Christians actually chose to walk upon the healing path that leads to enlightenment and beyond.

Jesus clearly showed, that healing is the way, as does the OT. It is better to become a healer and read the texts afterwards, for when you have become a healer, you see what is written with new and different eyes. The bible is an alchemical manuscript, a spiritual text, and it has to be cross-referenced with other texts for a full understanding of that which you are shown. It is very specific about healing, and how to achieve wholeness and completion.


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