
Wednesday 17 January 2018

40,000 Nurses Required

While the NHS requires 40,000 trained nurses, existing nurses have been fleeing to the private sector. That's what happens if you don't train people on the job, educating nurses should always be done on the wards, it certainly sorts out who is committed and who is not. Not only in nursing but all types of careers, it is better to start at the bottom of a company and work your way up. Then you really know your job from experience and at the end of the day, life experience counts.

If all nurses had been trained on the ward, there wouldn't be a lack of nurses in the public sector. The fact that some of the degree nurses are fleeing to pharmaceutical companies says it all. Of course it doesn't help that successive governments have also continually cut the size of the workforce in the public sector and wages haven't increased in real terms since the late 70's. We know what the intent was,  and is, to privatise the NHS, it has been happening slowly for decades. How many people have woken up to that fact and are doing something about it.

999 call for the NHS certainly are. There is a judicial review on the 24th of April at Leeds Crown Court. The third phase of the legal action against NHS England and it's next phase of it creating just eight regions in England. Corporate lawyers are now pursuing the fact that what NHS England is doing, does not comply with the Health and Social Care Act legislation. Hence, NHS workers, and patients have crowdfunded the legal action.

Can you help to liberate the love. I once knew people that worked in the pharmaceutical industry, they said they had left it due to their heart of conscience.

We also know that austerity upon the poorest doesn't work. It just increases the debt of the country. Clearly, Jesus understood that too, as we know, he was deeply concerned about the poorest. Yes, there are very poor people in Israel too. A decade ago, Israeli's began to speak of how difficult it was for them to make a living in Israel. When the cost of living is higher than people can earn in any country, then that country is in big trouble with the divine. 

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