
Sunday 19 November 2017

Pineal Gland and Iatromathematica


Hippocrates embraced planetary configurations and their impact upon health, the Ancient Greeks certainly understood a lot about health. The Greek Island of Hippocrates, glad to say, I've been there, it's a beautiful Island.

In 2002, a research paper was published "The Pineal Gland and the Ancient Art of Iatromathematica".

The abstract states the following: 

"The medical astrologers of Ancient Greece: the iatromathematici, and the later European physician-astrologers, assumed a correlation between events in the heavens and those on earth that was relevant to both health and disease. Some of the early practitioners of modern scientific medicine did the same under the aegis of what we might term, proto-cosmobiology, though none could provide an adequate mechanism to explain the nature of the the link they believed existed between the skies and ourselves. 

With the discovery and elucidation of the pineal gland's functions in the mid twentieth century, which are discussed in detail, we were in a position to provide such a link, and we can now to a great extent explain in conventional scientific terms how those influences of the sun, moon, planets and other celestial phenomena studied by the early iatromathematici and early cosmobio-ologists could, can, and do, affect us". 

I don't think that the medics say the full hippocratic oath do you.

The pineal gland grows in size between the ages of 1-2 years old.

We also know that nutrients from the pregnant mother impact upon the growth and development of the child that she carries in her womb. We then have the impact of the nutrients received by the child during infancy. Hence the power of food on the development of the child inside and outside of the womb, cannot be underestimated. 

Hippocrates also spoke of healing in connection with the timing, and the importance of having the opportunity to do so. As Hippocrates embraced the timing, he also embraced the impact of the time of birth, and the time for healing, that will be different in different people's birth charts. Hence when the healing opportunity arrives, you have to grab the opportunity with both hands.

You have to be courageous, brave and have tenacity in the healing process. We have a saying in Reiki, that Reiki comes into your life when you are ready for it, you can say that about different healing disciplines that have helped or does help with your healing journey. 

We also know that depending upon the timing and planetary configuration, that susceptibility to different health conditions can be identified. As I have often said, forewarned, is forearmed, the more that you know about the self, the more that you can help the self to overcome potential obstacles in your life and journey. The younger that you are when you begin to learn about the planetary aspects that impact upon you, the easier it is for you.

So for instance, being an Aquarian I have weak ankles, so sports like ice-skating, roller-skating, jogging and hiking, were not suitable.  People have to work with their bodies abilities once they comprehend the abilities of their bodies. 

Hippocrates was really into walking for exercise, although everything in moderation. So for instance if you think that walking 9 miles a day will keep you healthy, you better think again, as too much exercise can wear out your body. We have to remember that Hippocrates lived in a hot sunny climate, and that does make a big difference to the health of a person.

The same if you eat too much fruit too, that can wear out the pancreas, especially if you have a planetary susceptibility in that area of your anatomy. 

Another example, a female jogger had to have a knee replacement due to too much jogging, she had worn out her knees and cartilage. Also after the age of 25, and the older you get, the brain requires more oxygen, and walking doesn't get enough oxygen to the brain, especially in the third phase of your life.

There are some foods that increase the oxygen to the brain, and I do have a different physical  methodology for doing so.

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