
Saturday 18 November 2017

God's Message

So it's a new moon today in Scorpio, it's very deep on a spiritual level, and it's important to be grounded to enable you to do what you have to do.

Interesting that I received a message last night, and God said, "No-one can do what you can do". I thought that would be a great message on my tombstone when the time comes. God said, "No-one else could do what I could do". Big smiles!

He made me to be and do his will, so all praise to him and his co-creation. The divine interventions have been powerful, and the miracles are never to be forgotten. It's lovely when one of our healers remember's the miracles.

The 17th was the "Day of Bridge", and the 18th of November is the "Day of Temperament". 

Have a great weekend everyone, take responsibility, it's going to be a busy week, next week.

It's thanksgiving in America, so best wishes to the Americans for their thanksgiving. 

Shalom to you 

Perhaps Jeff should read 1 Corinthians 3:17 

It's appropriate for a year ending in 17. 

The numeric of 7, the life number of the spiritual teacher. 

The compound of the number where I live is also 7. 

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