
Monday 27 November 2017


I heard my dad calling my mum's name as I was dosing off to sleep.

I then had a dream, in the beginning of the dream I walked through a local pub giving out boiled sweets to everyone, and everyone was happy. There was an elderly lady behind the bar. I was wearing a raincoat, although it was a sunny day, and my heart was filled with joy.

The Millennial Brides 

Then as I walked down the road, I saw a bridal car and in the car it looked like the blonde bride was sitting on a man's lap, the young bride was "very overweight", and was being "physically sick" in the wedding car.

I then saw another bridal car, the second young bride was a lot thinner than the bride in the first car, she had dark hair, and she was "very, very afraid, she looked traumatised".

In dream interpretation if you saw a bride in a dream, it means that you'll be lucky, two brides doubles the luck.

To see a wedding is a symbol of a happy but brief interlude. To see someone being "physically sick" in a dream is a peculiar dream of contrary and it relates to material wealth. If the person is rich it can indicate material reverses, if not, it foretells a time of financial improvements.

If a person was "afraid" in the dream, again, it is a dream of contrary, it means that obstacles will be overcome once the difficulties are recognised, courage is required by the second bride. Being aware of the amount of people in your dream indicates that there will be an increase in prestige and/or power.

The fact that my dad was calling my mum, and I was in an English pub, it would indicate that this dream is to do with England. The land of Joseph.

Interesting then that there has been an announcement today, by Harry and Meghan about their engagement to marry. Harry is very earthy being a Virgo sun sign, having a Taurus north-node soul journey. Meghan is a Leo sun sign, and Leo north-node, so very fiery and dramatic as seen in her response to the American President.

America is delighted, and Meghan did threaten to leave America over the election of Donald John Trump. The Californian, won't be allowed to be so outspoken now she's going to marry Harry.

Since the 1850's America had hundreds of sweet making factories, sweets were manufactured for the masses. The confectionary, Christmas White House, lovely pics of Melania with the children.

Will the Californian, Meghan be able to sweeten the British public towards Americanisation of the UK and it's healthcare system, I don't think so. I think the British public have had enough of Americanisation of our country. Remember it was an American corporation that were involved in a "hostile takeover", of our historic Cadbury's.

Quaker, Joseph Rowntree was a great English sweet maker, and he left 50% of his shares in his company to help the poor. Poverty in the UK. Julia Unwin, Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

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