
Tuesday 28 November 2017

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Remedy

I first wrote about the gin and sultanas on this blog in September, and I began my golden sultanas soaked in gin, a month ago, in October, and it has been a great success, I left the first batch in gin for two weeks.

I just have to make sure that I have plenty of gin and golden sultanas in soak, so that I can have some every day. The impact upon the carpal tunnel syndrome has been miraculous. 95-98% pain free. I've also noticed a huge improvement in joint pain too in other areas of my body, it's amazing.

I take a large spoonful in the mornings, sometimes again after lunch, and then again prior to bed. I like sultanas, and gin, so I am fortunate in that respect. It can be quite an expensive remedy due to the cost of the gin, although it is worth it, for the pain relief that you gain from it.

After the first month's trial, I can say, yes, it definitely works. Although I noticed a large improvement within days of beginning the remedy.

What's also interesting is that when I was teaching Reiki healing, and sometimes while giving healing treatments to clients, I was often given the word "Gin", divinely, to give to students to aid their health. I hope that they remember the messages that they were given, as it was a very special time of love beyond measure that we shared together.

No surprise then that the juniper is mentioned in the bible, being for the renown of the LORD. My hands have been strengthened, praise be to the LORD. I never stop being in awe of it, and how the biblical prophecies fit into the divine plan of my life.

My body doesn't like being pierced, and the carpal tunnel syndrome began after an operation in hospital when the anaesthetist couldn't get the needle in my vein. Did you know that scientists don't know what harm, injections, and anaesthetics do to the body and it's brain.

What I can tell you is this, from my decades of healing experiences with clients and myself, the body doesn't like physical trauma, and nor does the soul. Piercing the skin also impacts upon the immune system, and cuts in childhood, mutates the child's genetics prior to the brain of the child being fully developed.

I still get bruising come up over a year after a blood test is taken, so I don't have blood tests, unless it is essential. Although some doctors are now saying that very little can be learned from a blood test.

As we know there is a lot more going on in the body, than the blood, and scientists are still learning how the body works. It's also taken a year for my bones to heal from an operation a year ago, healing can take a long time when you allow the body to heal naturally. Although I didn't have, and do not plan to have an operation for carpal tunnel. My golden sultanas in gin are lovely, my daily treat.

In 2006, while I was in Israel the spiritual group asked me what I was eating, I replied, sultanas, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds. They're a great combination together, for energy, while travelling. Although, I like them on Greek yogurt for breakfast too, with poppy, sesame, and fennel seeds.

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