
Thursday 19 October 2017

Theresa May the Organ Harvester

Theresa May is planning to take your organs, the Conservatives call it "recycling".

The Conservatives plan on changing the law, and if you don't opt out of it, they will take your organs anyway, without consent of your family and loved ones and she calls herself a Christian.

Remember what Jesus said, "People are not a commodity, without love they become so".

What else has been happening, more privatisation of the NHS, so that means your organs will be for sale! Hospital beds are being sidelined for private users, it's called, "Health tourism". It means that people from abroad can come to the UK for operations on a regular basis in exchange for money.

It also means that foreign nationals registered as living in the UK, can have their organs taken too.

Without any consideration given to the families of that person, or the person themselves.

The Conservatives making the NHS into a business model, like America, they even have a business office up north that charges pensioners fees if they don't sign the right box. Yea, they even threaten pensioners with the bailiffs for non-payment of their business fees.

You know what happened in America don't you, remember planned parenting, and the selling off of body parts of aborted babies. They've been recycling aborted babies for stem cell research. This is a major human rights issue, children have human rights too!

Income from private patients has increased and at London's best known cancer hospital, income from private patients as doubled in six years. Dr David Wrigley, a GP in Carnforth, north Lancashire, said he knew from personal experience how "fiendishly difficult it can be to get one of my seriously unwell patients admitted to an NHS hospital".

Remember what they've done to our education system in the UK, 2 million foreign students, to 1 million British students. British students are unable to get places on the degrees of their choice, in the locations of their choice, with over 800 applicants for a degree course with 35 placements.

There wasn't even enough places for our children that would like to become nurses.

Local economy's built upon foreign students, and housebuilding to accommodate them, rather than concentrating on supporting our manufacturing industries and their service providers.

The more housebuilding there is, the more traffic there is, the more traffic there is, the more road infrastructure is required. The more cars on the road, the larger the pollution of the countryside.

The Conservatives have been seizing lands and properties run by the NHS, cashing in on the assets owned by the people, selling off lands and properties, removing trees, that impact upon the eco-system, and the air that people breathe in the countryside.

When you lessen the quality of the air that people breathe in, you reduce the health of the nation, and increase the number of patients requiring healthcare from the NHS.

They've been cutting NHS budgets at frontline services, closing local facilities, privatising as much as they can, layers and layers of sub-contractors, staff on zero-hour contracts, and people and children are dying because of it.

It's a humanitarian crisis and a health and safety issue due to the population explosion, the cost of multiculturalism. Theresa May's career background is finance, not healthcare, and she has to learn that people are not a product, that she can harvest, we are sentient beings.

People have to have the opportunity to be with their loved ones, and mourn as they feel to do. The Conservatives have no right to take anyone's organs, due to the sheer force of the families feelings that have to be considered due to the bereavement process that can be extensive. This is about the dignity of the deceased, and the dignity of their family and friends. This is about human rights.

Only people that don't believe in life after death, would even consider such a thing, as taking the organs of others. How dare they even consider that it is an option, to increase their financial position in such a way. Get rid of Theresa May, right away.

Remember what Maggie Thatcher said, about the EU plan being to make the "poor, poorer". Her strong warning to the British people and manufacturing industry in the UK, was so true.

They got rid of Thatcher because she wasn't buying into the globalist agenda, Theresa May is a globalist and so is Jacob Rees-Mogg, that's why he has investments in Indonesia and is so loyal to Theresa May. Jacob is OK with the privatisation of the NHS, and has he says, opening it up to American competition. No thank you Jacob, no thank you Theresa, you may not!

You might ask what about the ethics, ethics, what ethics are there when MP's, are investing in an Indonesian pharmaceutical company that makes a drug, that Muslim women use to have an "abortion". Didn't Jacob say that he was against "abortion", clearly not, otherwise he wouldn't support financing it in Indonesia.

I respect a woman's right to choose, as in some cases there can be very difficult circumstances. However, I don't respect Englishmen that invest in a way that impacts upon women in other nations, while saying that they don't personally approve of "abortion".

The news is that some people are horrified by the thought that the scientists have discovered that the mind still works after the medics say that they have died. The soul that leaves the body, is still consciously aware of what the medics do with it.

Apparently, Theresa May got the idea from Jeremy Corbyn, organ harvesting a multi-million dollar operation, so this is not just a Conservative issue, when Labour are involved in it too. Time to act before it is too late.

This story is from 2013, a child from Somalia, the human traffickers, in operation for organ harvesting for financial gain in the UK.

The bible prophecy says that Jacob is the fire, and Joseph is the flame, yea, this flame of Joseph is standing up to Jacob and his colleagues and that includes Jeremy Corbyn.

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