
Thursday 19 October 2017

Festival of Lights

The festival of lights, Diwali, so interesting that Robert mentions the bowl in his recent update on the planetary energies and movement. Robert Wilkinson's work is worthy of a read as he includes his review of other's work too. Elders appreciating the life's work of other elders that have given and are giving freely to help our communities.


What I can share with you is the grass is cut, grasshoppers don't like that, the bowl is filled with the precious light of life. There is no comparison, it cannot be compared, for it is unique in it's livingness, and divine providence of the divine intervention in the lives of the people that require help at this time. We give truly from our hearts, our life experience for others to gain from the insights of it.

There has been closure on many aspects of the past, as one door closes, it is true that another door opens for you to walk through. Always remembering the importance of your life experience, and what it can bring to the table for the spiritual growth of others. It reminds me of some years ago, when I was shown doors to walk through, and through the open doors, there was a tree of life standing so upright and straight in the sunshine. It was after that this painting came to be.

Tree of Life 

Our natural environment of living amongst the trees, that help our eco system and our people to breath fresh air. I have a very large oak tree that stands behind where I live, and when autumn is beginning, the acorns are seen on the ground. They always remind me of the acorns of love, that grow in strength in righteousness. Love that is as tall as a tree, and as deep as the ocean.

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