
Friday 1 September 2017

Organ Harvesting China

We know about the Planned Parenthood case in America where organs and limbs of babies have been harvested, with some of their "aborted bodies" also sold for stem research.

There is a lot of money to be made in America from "aborted babies". However, this video is about the latest on organ harvesting in China. Remember what Jesus said about the soul!

As Jesus said "People are not a commodity, without love they become so". While I was thinking about the organ harvesting dilemma, this artwork came up upon my screen. Hence, I began this thread with sharing about the babies again.

Previously, Jesus also said, that "Silence is compliance", as such we cannot stay silent about organ harvesting or any other issues that are against the conscience of any person that is involved. 

I have noticed that the more multi-cultural the medical profession has become in the UK, the more secular it has become and it is very important to point out that healthcare in England really began to help all people, when Christians made sure that it was available for all that required it.

As such, our health care service in the UK has an historical Christian heritage that is being depleted and is deficient in it's approach to healthcare from a Judeo-Christian standpoint.

When people receive a transplant, they don't just receive an organ, they receive a lot more than that, I recommend people read a book called "Hearts Code", by Doctor Paul Pearsall that includes his research. Not only did Dr Pearsall discover that memories are transported with heart transplants, he continued with his research and discovered that memories are passed on with every organ transplant, whatever it's type. This information was shared with the Head of Nursing in Suffolk in 2003, when I was commissioned to design, develop and implement training modules for health and education workers.

My view is that if you wish to give your organs then fine, go ahead. Although if we look at the ever-growing population of the elderly that the young tend to say are a "burden upon society', (they've never been a burden to me) then why would you wish to do that.

Isn't it better that we embrace natural spiritual law and allow people to pass over when they are meant to do so without medical intervention into their lives and futures. Organ harvesting is a subject matter that everyone should consider deeply, secular or not. Our family didn't go into a nursing home, or any hospice, our families were looked after by the family, that's what real families do.

As healers our objective is to save as many lives as possible, and certainly a lot more work has to be done with prevention of medical conditions. Although most of the work of real healers, is to save souls from having to depend upon the medical profession that dish out pharmaceuticals at a high cost to the nation. Pharmaceuticals that don't cure the health condition, and in a majority of cases, can worsen the health conditions of the patient. The NHS tends to be reactive rather than pro-active, and rarely are those consultants and doctors up-to-date with the latest medical studies.

In the UK, critical care and surgery is what the NHS is best at, (although I did know a man that had seven operations at a local hospital and they couldn't get one of those operations right) anything else, is "distressing" for the patient due to the lack of help and preventative treatments that our people are receiving. Drugs are being prescribed to people when they shouldn't be, due to conflicting health conditions and family medical history.

While at the hospital yesterday, a man that could hardly walk, left the consultants office furiously complaining, that didn't bode well for seeing that consultant that I was about to see.

Causes of different health conditions are not being discussed with patients at the earliest opportunity, nor investigated properly. No advice is being given on how a person can improve a health condition either. You are lucky if you get to spend ten minutes with a consultant that is often dismissive of the patients concerns and truth about their physical experiences.

Consultants conflict with each other on their diagnosis, they don't even agree with each other. MRI scans are being done and the promise of a full report is not received. X-rays often don't show what MRI and other scans do. When you complain about the service received, it is dealt with internally, and patients have very little recourse. 

I think Christians only have one option left and that is to fund a complimentary medicine and therapies service. At least in CM, patients receive an hour of tender loving care and compassionate action.

What is required is an integrated holistic service that works with the whole person, not just a part of it. If we can't have holistic healthcare within the NHS, then we have to create it outside of it, and it has to be funded due to the poor not being able to afford to pay for it. In the medium to long term this would be beneficial to the NHS, as less critical care and surgery would be required. We have to create a new holistic health service that is publicly funded.

Don't even get me started on the quality of food and menu's being dished up at the restaurant at our local hospital. How they have the audacity to call it a restaurant is incredible, it's more like a roadside van cafe from 50 years ago.

Whoever is in charge of the restaurant must be replaced, and the hospital must employ a proper chef that has some training in nutrition on different health conditions. If they can't even provide a proper restaurant at the hospital, how do you think they can provide a proper healthcare service! The NHS requires wisdom, although wisdom costs a lot, because it saves money in the long run.

The hospital restaurant is an ideal opportunity to share appropriate foods for healthy eating, do get it in order. It could be bustling, with great people and great food that could bring revenue into our local hospital. That made me think of Mary Seagrove, she did like her healing hotel and food and it is a known fact that she had a major run in with Florence Nightingale. The veteran's loved Mary, she had the answers for the men when they asked, Mary had some powerful solutions that helped the men to get back to health.

I've just seen a great dog cloud in the sky, the big dog is coming and it's grey and white. We had an old English sheepdog that was grey and white, she was adorable. When we went to bed, she would let herself out, and go for a walk around town.

Then when she came in, she would close the door behind her, so I didn't know that she was going out at night time until a local actor came and knocked on my door, and shared his story of following her home to our house. She was such a happy dog, it was such a pleasure to share some of the life of the dog that we rescued. It's great to have some happy memories.

Now another cloud and it looks like a little grey and white poodle. I think we can say that the dogs are coming and the dogs certainly licked it in the Christ teachings.

1 comment:


    The NHS in Scotland was forced to admit to having unlawfully retained about 6,000 organs and tissues in hospitals between 1970 and 2000, many of which belonged to children.
