
Friday 1 September 2017

NHS Report

Following on from the post about "organ harvesting" and the NHS,

now there is an article in the Telegraph about the NHS and two of the biggest health issues in the UK. Not surprising that one of sources of the report is the MIND Charity that is involved in the IAPT CBT service that has been challenged by the academics, due to the fact that the IAPT CBT services stats don't stand up to academic scrutiny.

In the challenge it is mentioned that IAPT CBT talk about the "Science of Happiness", those words actually came from the Japanese Dr Usui that was the founder of Reiki hands-on-healing. However, all can be listened too in this huge debate that is going on in healthcare.

The article also states that it is the GP's job to encourage people to return to work. That's interesting isn't it, I thought the GP's job was to help with the diagnosis of the patient and put their health first. Clearly not so in this report, did you know that GP's surgeries encourage people to have flu jabs, and there are financial incentives for surgeries for promoting it. People with common sense don't take flu jabs, they make sure that they eat appropriately. Eat plenty of garlic, keep wrapped up warm, and you will rarely even, "catch a cold".

Anyway back to the article, it states that the number one reason for people taking time off work is due to "anxiety", that appears to be the latest buzz word. My view is that people are very "distressed", due to what is known as "health insecurity", combined with the state of the nation, and it's multi-culturalism that has brought huge pressure upon the people of our country.

Salaries in real terms haven't gone up since the late 80's, at the same time as the cost of living as soared. In many cases people just cannot afford to live. As we have seen in previous reports, even working people are having to go to food banks, due to not being able to afford to feed their families.

The financial pressures on people in the UK is immense, it's no surprise that so many people are "distressed", with so many people on the brink of homelessness. CBT that is being pushed and financially supported by the government actually originated in America. Aaron Beck in Philadelphia developed CBT. Have a listen to another academic, Dr Oliver James who also challenges what the government have been funding to cut costs.

The second highest amount of "sick notes" were to people with "back issues" and office work is certainly not the best for the back, as people have to keep the back on the move and not sit for hours on end in office jobs. I remember a legal secretary that had neck, arm and hand issues due to the work that she had done in London. Basically, we are wearing out our people's bodies, due to the demands made upon the physical and the government are demanding that people work for even longer.

In this presentation, Dr Oliver James mentions the studies that have been done and it includes the impact of urbanisation on health, the political economy, and materialism. The "debt ridden societies" impacts hugely on the people and the health of their lives, "austerity that has been imposed upon us".

The economy of the country actually depends upon people, doing jobs that are very unhealthy for the people and the help offered by the medical profession for back issues is practically non-existent. All that the physiotherapists offered was some exercises that you might have already done in the gym, or a hydro-pool for six sessions, when you definitely should not be putting suffering joints in water.

Especially, if you have any type of arthritis, my gran had "rheumatic fever" when she was a child and she was convinced that it was due to the amount of time that she spent in water.

Did you know that men are more likely to get "Parkinson's Disease", than women, and that women are more likely to have issues with "thread veins" during the menopause. There is a clear difference in some health conditions that relate to men and women. The brains of women also change whilst pregnant and giving birth. Hence mothers certainly have different brains to dads and different brains to women that haven't had children. Interesting fact that - and it certainly confirms that we are not all the same.

Menopausal women can also get very "distressed", due to their energies being all over the place. There is no preparation for menopause, nothing from the medical profession prior, during or after. Although some people were put on HRT, and those with common sense know the risks of taking that!

I've heard stories of people that took the medical profession's "anti-depressants", and they become so "addicted" to them, that they couldn't get off them. MIND and the IAPT CBT service also support pharmaceuticals being given. I met one woman that had been on them for decades and she was like a "zombie", it had destroyed her brain so much, she had to go to a day care centre, while her husband went out to work.

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