
Sunday 13 August 2017


August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse and the last time a total solar eclipse was visible across the entire contiguous United States was on June 8, 1918. Although the last time the planet experienced a solar eclipse in the Saros series 145 was on August 11, 1999.,_2017

I was in Australia in that timeline, and Diana was travelling with yours truly.

This eclipse is the 22nd of 77 eclipses in that Saros series and it is at 28 degrees of Leo, drama Obama. Yesterday I saw a vision of Obama while bathing, and he was on my left side and he was not happy, Obama and his party are certainly having to face the fire of the sun - due to the fuel that he put onto the fire. Mercury is retrograde too, so it will impact upon communications and technology.

So for instance telecommunication companies are trying to get mobile users to use a google app, a google app, people with common sense are saying, no. I choose, not you. American corporations that try to dominate every market, and people in Europe say no America.

Remember Obama the farmer and his GMO, American food has been banned in over 160 countries.

No to KFC and the rest of the American food.  Europeans have to stand up for themselves, our history and cultural foods that have important nutrients.

The 1918 eclipse is interesting as it was around that time that a scientist was given a nobel after he shared the state of the soil, and how the soil did not have the same nutrients that it once had due to over-farming. Even the soil has to have a rest, mother earth has to have a rest, and just be in the sun and the rain to help replenish, heal and restore it.

For people in the UK, and Europe this is a great little map of the eclipse, see where the lines go, right over East Anglia, where Elizabeth and William and Katherine have homes. I read that Harry has also been looking at property in that area too, close to Wells-by-the-Sea. Wells-by-the-Sea, where Toni and I were sent to carry out harmonic epiphany together. Amazing messages were received that day when we saw the cross manifest in the water three times.

Some sacred places are certainly in that area, with the divine love mystic, St Julian of Norwich, an anchor for the light force. Then we have Little Walsingham, also known as England's Nazareth, a place of pilgrimage in the UK. I've been sent there a few times, every time it was peaceful and enjoyable. Toni and I with Archangel Michael did some spiritual work at this site, a large portal opening that day and the Archangel Michael energy poured in. That was during the Rev 12 timeline that was completed in December 2008.

It was in Norfolk where Dr Bach did his original research with flowers and trees to make his flower essences and Charles does like his gardening and farming. Elizabeth has a stunning estate in East Anglia.

Clinical studies with flower essences.

Will this eclipse impact upon the monarchy, in Europe, I think so. The eclipse energies are right over Portugal too, and from Portugal it shoots right up to East Anglia. I think we will see some big shifts from the farming community.

This year is also the 100th anniversary of the so-called "fatima" prophecies in Portugal.

On the 22nd, Mars in Leo trines Saturn in Sagittarius, Saturn the teacher, Sagittarius the traveller, my ascendent sign is in Sagittarius. Hence why long distance travel came into my life after the age of 40.

With Mars in Leo, it indicates America showing off, they like the world to feel their presences upon it, although as a country they like others to work for them in this timeline. Hence the corporations that put the jobs abroad instead of keeping the jobs in America. Another reason for all the immigration issues, again, others working for you. Not much has changed has it since the days of the plantations. Countries are still importing people from other countries, as Jesus said, "People are not a commodity, without love they become so".

Apparently, Mars in Leo is a good placing for careers, and a powerful energy force second-to-none, so if you are making a career move, and or a move with both home and career, this could be the right time to take action. Depending upon when and where you were born, it can indicate where you will be most successful in different areas of your life.

For people in the UK, this August is very much about the honouring of HRH Princess Diana, our Queen of Hearts, as it is the 20th anniversary of her passing. The sheer impact that she had upon the world is incredible, her heart was full of the sunshine of love to give.

Give a little love everyone for the mission of compassion and mercy, as Diana was fully supportive of the mission that was divinely bestowed.

I've seen that a little historic church that I've had my eyes on is vacant again, is that little church ready for this power of love and the mission of compassion and mercy, let's wait and see shall we. 

What's Jacob up to, he's the only Conservative that the people trust, get rid of the rest, and let him get on with the job. Listen to him in this video. Jacob is the fire, Joseph is the flame, and Esau will be stubble.

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