
Sunday 13 August 2017

Aromatherapy and Cancer Study

This study was from 2007. 
A major new study by researchers at the Institute of Psychiatry, in conjunction with Cancer Research UK, says aromatherapy really helps cancer patients. Aromatherapy can significantly lift anxiety and depression according to an authoritative study in the latest issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
The new study is significant, and not just because it indicates that after chemotherapy and other treatment, aromatherapy helps to relieve anxiety and depression much quicker than other approaches.
The researchers believe it is the first large randomised controlled trial to be conducted on a complementary therapy in several centres in the NHS.
‘I think it's enormously exciting,' says lead researcher, Amanda Ramirez, Professor of Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry and Director of the Cancer Research UK London Psychosocial Group. ‘I'm unaware of other treatments, including talking therapies, that can achieve such fast improvements in people with cancer who are anxious or depressed.'

Another link worth looking at, the research with flower essence remedies.

1 comment:

  1. 2015, message given about Aromatherapy.
