
Saturday 19 August 2017


In less than a week the first turmeric has sprouted, and today, the red cabbages were re-potted to give the red cabbages more space. I shall enjoy making some kimchi with red cabbage for the wintertime.

In the recent week I have had some nerve pain on my right side, and it was getting more and more serious. So last night I had some pineapple, with a scoop of collagen, prior to bed, and a couple of tablets to relax the muscles. This morning, I had more pineapple blended with some greek yoghurt and at least a dozen white grapes. The nervous system likes pineapple, it's lovely and gentle, very soothing.

The next batch of infused oils are ready, sage oil is ready, with the mint, (2nd batch) and basil oil.

I shall make some more to include some oregano and rosemary next week.

Arthur Rackham illustration. 1917. 

Sage Oil has proven to be beneficial for cognitive function and mood.  I like my sage and onion stuffing with my chicken, I also include thyme in it with some fresh basil too. The Journal of Psychopharmacology featured a paper on sage.

Cognitive Message received in July, 2017.

More chicken brine this week for boosting the collagen production, and rosemary oil is great for muscle massages. My soup this week has been chicken, leeks and potatoes with herbs. Last night I had a pie with a range of veggies that included aubergine, mushrooms, sweet pepper, red onions, fresh tomatoes with herbs and garlic. They were cooked in some butter, sesame and walnut oil and served with new potatoes boiled in fresh mint.

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