
Saturday 19 August 2017


In July I had the first dream of a woman with the name of Nicki, this morning I had another dream of her, and her partner.

A friend and I was driving down a small country road, and we saw a thin, tall house on the left side of the road. On the front of the house was a picture of Nicki's partner, so we stopped to say hello. The couple had been renovating and restoring a house and it was on a little hill. It was a red brick building, and there were tiles on the floor.

My friend and I were welcomed inside to see the house, and the couple had done a lovely job of the house. The restoration and renovations were nearly completed, and we chatted about the works that had been done. The three ladies were in the kitchen area having a drink, and we were also discussing food, and where the house had been extended and opened up in open plan.

In the last week I kept on being given the word "KATHERINE", then yesterday, that saint phoned me, and we are going to get together next week now that she is back on the road with transport. It was saint Katherine and I, that were together in the dream with Nicki.


In dream interpretation, to dream of an old house signifies a reunion or renewal of an old association.

Restoration and renovations can also indicate improvements all around. To dream of seeing a photograph forecasts a pleasing renewal of an old friendship.

"And hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us". Romans 5:5

My view is that their house has been blessed. For as it is written, "When you enter a house, first say, 'Peace to this house". Luke 10:5 The house was worthy to receive the two healers that were driving through and wherever we go, peace is within us.

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