
Tuesday 1 August 2017


This is an update on a controversial art project involving homeless people. The Danish artist, Kristen Von Hornsnsleth, has sold his first two artworks of homeless people and the homeless men will be tracked for one year on an app in exchange for receiving 50% of the monies after the cost of expenses.

More on the man that came up with the concept of combining art and technology. This article shares that the Danish artist is based in London.

One of the homeless men said that the money will help him to leave London and to return to Ireland in a year from now.

Charity seen through the eyes of the artist, and the buyers that say it is better that the project artist and his characters receive the monies, than monies going to the CEO of the Red Cross. In a way they have got a point, especially as this project brings forward the plight of the poor. As Jesus said, "People are not a commodity without love they become so". 

However, if that is the only way that those homeless people can get themselves out of the situation that they find themselves in, then who is to say that they shouldn't do it. Aren't people a commodity when they take a job, and work for someone else, so then, what really is the difference. The only difference is that the homeless people that are involved in this art project, won't receive their monies for one year, as that is the length of time that they will be tracked for. 

People are being tracked by google etc all of the time, and the people aren't getting paid for that are they. Oh no, that's just more American corporations getting richer on the backs of the poor.

Photographers have earnt money from their work with people ever since photography began, as they did with painting characters too. This time, the characters of the project are partners in the business of moving their lives forward with money. As my dad used to say, "money makes the world go round", and "money doesn't grow on trees". The Son of Joseph was as tall as a tree and he didn't like the middle men, like insurance brokers etc.

Interesting that last week I was gifted with a money tree and a money tree was gifted to the Buddhist temples during the Thoid Gathan festival. In Chinese legend, the money tree is a kind of holy tree. A money tree is also like the Jade plant for friendship, and friendship is sure to grow between the artist, his project characters, and those that have chosen to fund the homeless art project. They receive a stunning framed photograph of the person that they are helping and tracking for a year. Lovely for memories of a person that you have helped.

As I have always said, it is what you do with money that is important and in this case, it is an opportunity to help people that have none. Jesus sent out his healers two at a time to find people that were worthy of funding his healers, so it is interesting that in the case of the homeless men, two men that were worthy to help these two homeless men, did so. I noted that one of the men that was interviewed had the name of Jacob. As prophecy foretold, be faithful to Jacob and show love to Abraham.

What I see is that this homeless project has given homeless people hope, that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and that they've been shown the way out of their dilemma. Their faces will also be known as people that were willing to give it a try, to make changes in their lives, by getting involved in something that they can believe in, themselves.

All they required was a hand of help, a year is a short space of time, they have a year to make their plans, and ponder upon their dreams. Dreams really can become a reality when you are willing to give it a try. Whatever they gain, it will be a gain and who can criticise that, I cannot. Europeans helping other Europeans is definitely a sure start. For that is where my own work began, helping our own people, our own flesh and blood.

In the meantime, there is more privatisation of the NHS and English people working in the NHS are complaining about it. Due to privatisation of whole departments, you can find yourself in a situation, whereby you are in a department that is running an hour late, and then when you are sent to make your next appointment, you find the office is closed, because the receptionist has gone home. 

That is the cost of politicians getting involved in our NHS. The British government are in bed with various charities that I don't agree with, and a lot of services are being run by people that are either on zero-hour contracts, or are volunteers. What is happening in the UK, is that the government is handing out more and more contracts to companies that are sub-contracting, that do not provide any long term security to people working in the medical profession. 

Another reason why the NHS is having difficulty recruiting staff, and has employed so many foreigners. We know from experience that many of those people that have come from a different continent, have no loyalty to the NHS, they will go where they will get the best standard of living for their families. 

In 2007, the British government laid off 8,000 British doctors, and in 2013, over 300,000 care workers were on zero-hour contracts. Providing no security of tenure, and they wonder why people are not interested in their jobs, when the British government doesn't offer enough training to our people, that would like to become medics either. 

Homeless people are often people that have "fallen through the gaps" in the services provided by the agencies involved in it, as the British saying goes, "too many cooks spoil the broth". The Danish artist living in London, is connecting people with the individuals, by, by-passing the charities and getting people directly in touch with each other.

He is utilising social media, to get the attention that the individuals require. I did something similar in 2014 for a person that was on the brink of homelessness, although I didn't take a cut of what he received from the person that was worthy of him.

We know from scripture that Jesus asked for money to be given to the poor, so being given a lovely money plant, made me smile last week. We also know that his healers were funded and that some of that funding was to fund his spiritual community and it's growth. One healer became a thousand, is true, as I was involved in it, financially, and also in time, and effort. The fact is that some of us were living his teachings, before knowing that we were. The sheer power of love that compelled us and directed our movements, every step of his way. You can't help but love him. 

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