
Tuesday 1 August 2017

BMA and STP's

I've seen two ENT doctors at our local hospital this year and neither asked about the sounds that I have heard nor were they interested where either. Both doctors were foreign, from a different continent, and I had to complain about the first doctor because he hadn't written down the information that I gave him.

In fact, what he had written was the complete opposite to what I had said to him. That doesn't help does it, when those foreign doctors don't make accurate medical records. I've had to call out and complain about nearly every hospital doctor/consultant that I have seen so far in out-patients, including the British Rheumatology consultant.

Not just in one department either, in every out-patients department that I have visited. Of course, the departments that I have visited in recent years have all been sub-contracted in the NHS, by the successive governments and clinical commissioning groups. Am I a perfectionist when people are being paid to work with our bodies, you can be sure that I am. Only the best is good enough.

So what's the latest from the BMA, (British Medical Association), they posted an update on their website on the STP's dated the 24th July, 2017.

The BMA have written that it is important that you are holding your local leaders to account over these plans. We've compiled a list of questions for you to ask. Local people are creating their own local place-based plan for the next five years and they are referred to as Sustainability and Transformation Plans or more commonly known as STP's.

To keep up to date with information on this, you can view the Facebook page. As you can see GP's are already complaining about the decisions that the clinical commissioning groups are making, due to the impact on patient care.

In our local surgery, first appointments in the walk-in surgery is now going to be dealt with by nurses, and then people will be referred to a GP if required due to a lack of staff they say. 

Also, you are told that you can only get an appointment to see a GP a month in advance, and you can only see a GP sooner than that if it is an emergency. Historically, people in the UK did not go to see their GP's for emergencies, they went to hospital for emergencies. Some people phone 111 in an, emergency and they then advise on whether to go immediately to hospital or the GP in an emergency. 

People are given ten minute appointments with GP's, and people are being told that they can only discuss one or two things. If they have more to discuss with the GP they have to make a separate appointment. In some surgeries you can book what they call a "double appointment". 

The Royal College of Surgeons have also made a response.

"The 44 footprints published their plans before January 2017, with the aim of addressing three key gaps set-by 5YFV:

1. The health and wellbeing gap.

2. The care and quality gap.

3. The funding and efficiency gap.

You won't find wellbeing in the medical profession, only spiritual people work with the soul. "I will make peace your governor, and wellbeing your ruler". Isaiah 60:17. 

The Hebrew word often translated as peace actually means wholeness, completeness. It is the opposite to "fragmentation", what successive governments have been doing is "fragmenting the NHS", by privatising various departments within it.

They have outsourced services and have outsourced out-patients. They now intend to outsource operations too. Do you remember when David Cameron was talking about sending patients abroad for operations due to the lower cost. We have enough concerns over the operations that are already carried out in the UK, and don't get me started on the quality and standard of the outsourced, out-patients again.

Did you know that in the UK, you are not allowed to complain to your GP for the service that he has referred you too. Remember those services are coming out of your GP's budget. Shouldn't your GP be allowed to complain about the services that he/she is paying for? Of course he/she should.

Did you know that NHS England now has a business operation in the north of England? That business operation is sending people on no income, invoices, and legal demands.

Instead of more coming together and working together in the NHS to save money, there has been "dislocation" with multiple private contractors making money on the back of it. Privatisation has not improved the services provided by the NHS, in fact it has done the opposite. When you thought it couldn't get any worse, it did, privatisation of the NHS made it that way.

Earlier in the year I had an MRI scan, another private contractor, my GP and I didn't even receive the full report that was promised. It took seven years to get an MRI scan done, for a longstanding back issue. Neurologists in London at the Neurological Alliance, have written that 58% of patients in the UK have been given no access to neurological investigations.

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