
Monday 17 July 2017


As Ray Finch says, why would we wish to stay in a club with people that would wish to destroy us after we left it. Doesn't that remind you of the Islamic strategy, whereby if people leave their ideology, their heads can be removed.

This report is about a leaked memo and the intention of France. Just because the French engaged in "cultural genocide", doesn't mean that the English have to continue to be in their club of it. Our country should stop funding the EU, stop paying for "cultural genocide" of our own countries in the UK. Enough is enough, we shall not be "bullied", or pressured into submitting to the demands of the French, the Germans, or anyone else.


Our people are not afraid, and the tactics of the EU, won't work on us, we remember what Jesus shared with us, and the Islands did await the law as Prophet Isaiah foretold. This is the land of Joseph, the vine that climbs over every wall. What vines do you have growing in your garden.

And in Germany the German leaders are turning on each other as was anticipated, as Germany will have to increase it's financial input to the EU due to the UK leaving. 

Schulz is going after Merkel, "If you want to be a state leader in Europe, you must acquire the trust of the peoples", Schulz  said. Who could or would ever trust Merkel and her friend Obama, not us Europeans, wisdom did the count on the man mentioned in Rev 13. 

Maggie Thatcher was correct about the EU plan, to make the "poor, poorer", as she said, the lady is not for turning. The UK paid a lot into the membership of the EU and yet Schulz reveals that it is Poland and Hungary that have been the biggest net recipients of EU funding. 

Germany thought they could buy the allegiance of those countries, and Poland and Hungary have said no, to the "cultural genocide", by not taking any of the migrants that they are being told to take. 

Love is not for sale, France and Germany.

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