
Monday 17 July 2017


Evergreen student, American, McKenzie Kyger shares what has been happening on the campus that tried to silence her for having white skin. We knew that Obama was a very divisive figure, the outcome of his tenure, "violence on campuses" in America, and the "closing down of freedom of speech" on campuses. This young woman will not be silenced, her voice must be heard.

The Evergreen state college, Olympia, Washington had to be closed, innocent students cannot be put in harm's way. The school board of Trustees have carried out an investigation, and it includes the police force giving their view on the whole situation too. The American police force are asking for rifles.

One of the professors Bret Weinstein, a professor of Biology, has also had to move location to protect his family from students.

George Bridges, made a strategic choice to allow the students to "run wild", in this video he mentions the "disrespect" of the faculty, that has been on-going on the Evergreen campus.

As a side note, students come to college to learn, every student should have integrated self-discipline prior to attending any academic institution, or any training anywhere. If a student at any time cannot implement respect and civility for their environment, and their professors, then they should be removed from that environment that they find so difficult to adhere to. 

It requires rationality to have a decent discussion and debate with someone. That also applies to situations outside of the academic sphere. One might ask what does this have to do with the UK, not the first time we have seen "student bullying", beginning in our country too.

The latest news is from King's College in London, ranked as one of the best universities in the world, it's dean is bending to pressure from students to change the portraits.

Frankly, if ethnic minority groups feel 'alienated", at medical school, as is suggested in that article, due to some historic portraits, then surely, they're not equipped for such academic training that our education institution's offer.

Perhaps those students should go home and train with their own ethnic origin, perhaps then they will be happy, being much closer to their roots of who they are. Enough, really is enough! Live in our European countries, do it our way, or go back home, and be educated in a different country.

We cannot have a situation whereby professors and deans are bending to student pressure. Otherwise you end up with the "lowest common denominator" in education, like they have in America, where "violence" happens on campus on a regular basis.

It comes to something when campus has to be closed down due to the pressure and "violence", from students. In America and in Washington, it was allowed to "spiral out of control", don't let that happen in the UK. As they have to have armed police on their campuses in America, and that increases the cost of education.

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