
Wednesday 5 July 2017


"Thousands of Italian farmers are rallying against CETA, go Italy go. Defend Italian produce, and made in Italy.

Miriam's Water 

July, 2017.

Yesterday, the Greeks were firing on a Turkish boat and the news is that there is at least another million migrants in Libya waiting to come to Europe. UN says that 7/10 people coming to Europe are not refugees, they are economic migrants looking for a better life. I don't think it will be long now before the military are forced to take action and defend their waters, shores, land and cultures. 

I don't think that the military will have any choice, they will have to blow the boats out of the water, otherwise southern European cultures will be overtaken by the invasion and be destroyed. It has come to a life or death situation, and a decision has to be made who shall live.

It's a very hard choice to make, but it is the only way they will stop the boats coming, due to the human traffickers that are earning a fortune shipping the people invaders. You could try picking them up and sending them back, but they will still keep on coming. Only when they realise that none of them will make it to Europe on boats, will you put an end to it.

Europeans are in a "cultural genocide war", and they have to take it very seriously indeed. Also you have to deport all "illegals", now, wherever they are from. European countries have to show immense strength in the face of the invaders. 

When your culture is threatened by an invasion of people, you have to defend your country and culture. You have no choice. 

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