
Wednesday 5 July 2017

American Hashtag

The latest trend go after CNN. Youngster makes a Trump -v- CNN clip and CNN respond by tracking down the youngster that made it, then threaten to publish his name if he continues to express his creativity of Trump winning the battle against the MSM. What a day for that to kick off, July 4th, America's Independence Day, that is also the "Day of Group", now many groups are standing against CNN, and are trending "CNNBlackMail" with even more videos and pics.

The youngster was a catalyst and even Julian Assange as stepped forward to defend him. CNN don't like being challenged do they, never mind, time for them to grow up, or go down.

Project Veritas also have some more CNN videos coming out too, the power of the MSM has gone.

It reminds me of the children's story, "Jack and the Beanstalk", as Jesus said, "America is the house that Jack built".

Some people are referring to the catalyst has David -v- Goliath, Goliath being CNN that received a sling shot from a youngster. Do you remember pea shooters, pea shooters shoot at pea brains, children and their pea shooters.

No coincidence then that it is also in the G20 timeline and pea brain Angela Merkel is diluting her plan to try to get Trump to agree with it, and that's after Obama's friend said that Germany will have to go it alone. Obama is not going to save CNN either. In the meantime the Indian leader as been in Israel having talks, the first time an Indian leader as gone to Israel. Now that is serious stuff.

What is Putin up to, he's meeting with the Chinese leader, while America keeps on it's internal battle with the media. The pressure is on, and it is relentless.

Melania and Trump are on their way to Europe and Trump will be having a meeting with Putin.

So CNN, how do you feel about the Knights of Britannia.

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