
Saturday 1 July 2017


Yesterday I was thinking about someone who has someone in their family that has "alzheimers" and the message that I woke up to today was "Cognitive". It is written that "cognition is seriously damaged" in people with such health conditions. The origin of the word comes from Greek, gnosis, knowing, one has to know to understand.

How we know the world, and how we understand the world.

Comparison of two different brains, the brain on the left is a normal brain, the brain on the right side of this pic is the brain of a person with alzheimer's and you will notice the different characteristics that are pointed too.

I remember having a discussion with a dentist in Australia, and he had begun a new degree, in economics. When I asked him why, he replied, "If you don't use your brain you lose it". He believed that by stretching himself, challenging himself and his brain, he was aiding his own health and it's capacity. Although people in their 60's now, are far healthier than people the same age were in the 90's, including the guys and that has been a big surprise to WHO. Although a person doesn't have to take on a new degree to take on a new challenge.

What's interesting about women is that "during the first pregnancy, women grow a new brain area". Penina Rivka Watstein Ph.D.

If a woman has children, at that point in her life, when she becomes pregnant for the first time, her health is examined, not the same for men is it.

Pregnant women and their brains.

Pregnant woman show increased activity in right side of brain.

That then supports my view that women that haven't had children, cannot comprehend those that have had children. They're just not on the same wavelength.

Leaves for healing the nations. Plenty of Vit K in Beetroot leaves. Vit K is essential for the brain to assimilate Vit C. Are you growing your beetroot, get on it.

Time to harvest my first batch of beetroot. I'm really getting into this growing lark, it's such fun. Next time, I will put the beetroot in a bigger pot, giving the beetroot a lot more room for growth. It's great to grow nutrients, and you don't require much space to do so. My farming experiments are going great, I am so enjoying this interest.

My cake this weekend is carrot cake, and I have some more mussels for the joints. My soup this week was carrot and coriander. Next soup will be celery, and the celery is growing great in the garden. Still to put the turmeric in the soil. Sweet potato in water to get some roots, spring onions are nearly ready to regrow. Tomato seeds and chili seeds from the fruit have also sprouted. I have so many tomatoes growing, I think I will have to make some chutney, you can also freeze salsa.

1 comment:

    There as been some great news about this health condition. An 80 year old woman has been completely turned around by changing her diet and making it high in blueberries and walnuts. Her food changes have been so successful the news article claimed that the "Alzheimers Society", are sharing her new health regime with their members. Her son did a great job in helping her. Congratulations to the son and his mum.
