
Saturday 1 July 2017

BFI £20M Booster

Worth sharing, "in the UK, the BFI is using a £20M boost from the National Lottery to launch a 10-point action plan, which includes the creation of a reliable on-line career information service, an accreditation system to guarantee employer confidence and a mentoring service. 

It will also include new apprenticeship standards, a service to forecast industry needs, and a bursary programme, participation to ensure diverse participation". 

It is the view of the BFI that the film industry in the UK is suffering from an "diversity pandemic".

What the UK is suffering from is Liberals trying to enforce diversity and multiculturalism upon our country and it's population during a time of population explosion, it's a power grab by the left in the country.

It's important to note that the film industry like many other small industries in the UK have historically been a closed shop. You even find it within the organisations that the BFI funds.

So for instance, jobs are advertised, yet they already know who those jobs will go to, they've already been decided, prior to advertising being implemented.

The BFI cannot dictate to British industry, what it must do to satisfy it's demands. The BFI would like more opportunities in the film industry for disabled people and people of colour.

However,  having been on film shoots, film shoots are not for everyone, standing around all day, every day, in the "freezing cold", is not the most suitable environment for the seriously disabled.

If a person writes a film script, how would you know whether they were "disabled" or not. People should not be chosen for the colour of their skin, or the state of their health, they should be chosen for the talent for the specific job. The film industry is a creative industry, and the British are renowned for their creativity in film and television. I remember the early days of the outspoken Alan Parker, he's such a Londoner.

"Ever since film began in the UK - at any given time - you can count the number of outstanding directors on two hands. It's never changed, Good writers have been more plentiful - maybe two hands and a foot". Big smiles Alan, he always did have a great sense of humour.

"For a long time the British Film Industry was just a bunch of people in London who couldn't get Green Cards (allowing them to work in America.)". "Bumping into David Lean at Pinewood Studios, he asked me where I had made my last film. "America, Sir" I stuttered. "America?" he repeated - pronouncing the word like something on the bottom of his shoe".

A sponsor could choose to sponsor a particular individual and their creative work and talent. That is how creativity used to be funded in the UK. That is how artists were funded prior to the internet. Local people of wealth sponsored emerging artists that inspired them with their work.

You can create an apprenticeship scheme, yet, some will have talent for the industry and some will not. You cannot put people on a conveyor belt of apprenticeship, and hope to achieve the outcome that the BFI would like to create in their diversity plans. People either have talent or they don't and everyone's talents are different, as people are unique.

There are film makers now, and investigative journalist documentary film makers, that didn't require any apprenticeship, they have talent and they're putting their talents to good use. However, what the BFI should be looking at is the fact that British schools are removing music from our schools, so put your pressure on that.

You require composers and film scores don't you BFI, another reason to keep music in our schools. Apart from the fact that music is healthy for children, particularly classical music.

Music is also about culture, our historical culture. Music is as important to children, as exercise is important for children, music and art in schools is essential for helping to develop the creativity of children that have a natural talent for it. Not all children are academic, not all children are the same.

Each have their own skills and talents that can be developed when the children are allowed to follow their hearts.

There is a lot of choice in the performing arts. What the performing arts requires is more direct sponsors.

So for instance, the BFI could provide an on-line opportunity where people could sponsor a specific proposition for a film or documentary. Instead of the funding going via crowd-funding websites, where those sites are getting rich on the backs of the poor, the funding could go directly to the people that have a serious proposition and talent for their art.

The market will decide what the market would like, not the BFI and it's social engineering. The people will decide, as they did in the referendum to leave the EU, the people voted with their feet. A very clear and resounding message to everyone that thought otherwise.

Our people shall decide who they shall employ, not the BFI. The BFI cannot dictate to business people, not now, not ever. At the end of the day, the film industry is big business and there is a lot at stake for western civilisation in this timeline. Now is the Elijah timeline, we heal and we restore.

Remember this there is a lot of diversity in the music industry, although how much will still be remembered a hundred years from now, or even 50 years from now.

In some cases, diversity has proven to reduce standards in Europe, not improve those standards, the more multi-culturalism there has been, the more that the standards have gone down, including the standard of living. The only way standards are raised are with people of integrity, expertise and a history of experience to pass it on to an existing population that is intent on preserving our culture.

Ponder upon it, it is the classics in music and literature that stand the test of time, so stop social engineering, BFI.

Otherwise the film industry will look like the architecture in the UK, tower blocks that burn down 50 years after they were built.

Britain does have talent, and talent finds it's way, it is born to be. It was music in school that helped to bring this man's talent forth. His talent, Tokio Myers was nurtured in school, where it should be nurtured, in school and at home.

I will always remember my dad and his film camera, I realise how that impacted upon myself, no coincidence then that I did get the opportunity to work in the film and television industry.

I'm sure that the Son of Joseph must have smiled to himself about that, all the things dad did, to encourage talent to reveal itself and the direction that it would go when inspired by the heart and Spirit of creativity. Dads and how they impact upon the careers that their children choose, as he said, "Forget-me-Not".

The British Lottery fund is public funding, think very carefully prior to spending it. Start thinking about the long term and not the short to medium term response to our nation and it's culture.

Short term responses in the fields of arts can impact adversely on the long term development of a country, the arts can cause destruction like it did in America, just like it did with 20th century modernism in architecture that has spread into the 21st century that has co-created destruction in the UK. The tower blocks in London being a perfect example of that.

In our own region, we have witnessed historic buildings be replaced with modern architecture that people do not wish to visit, the locals don't like the design of it, and were against the building of it.

An historic location decimated by the modernists, our culture is in the throes of "cultural genocide", and it has to be stopped right now.

People that are awake are fully aware of how it is being co-created, and we've all seen what has happened to America, don't bring it to our country BFI.

Our people are not only trying to save our country from the EU, they're trying to save Europe, our country and the west from the invasion of multi-culturalism that diversity brings with it.

Social engineering and architecture

More quotes from Alan Parker, "A sensational ending helps. As does a terrific start - and of course, a juicy second act. But not necessarily in that order".

"I'm a writer and director. Believe me, directing is harder. There's more people to negotiate, the hours are obscene, the lunches lousy, and mostly you wake up each morning wondering where the hell you are". The man that can make a "whole film festival in his head". Alan's quotes always make me laugh. A great ending to this blog post, quotes from a real Londoner.

Alan and his book of cartoons. "Will write and direct for food".

In this interview, Alan and David talk about how we went to the cinema as they were local in those days. I agree we were able to walk to a local cinema too, in those days we had Saturday morning cinema for the children to go too. The golden age of advertising in London, the golden era.

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