
Saturday 24 June 2017

U.D.O. Dream

It's the new moon today in Cancer, new moons, new beginnings, and I had another dream. In the dream I was looking at a forum and I saw the initials U.D.O. written.

Immediately, I thought of the owner of a forum, due to the initial D, and thought of him, "don't do it", and my concern was raised for an individual.

Then I had a different dream and in it I was being given some exercise paperwork, with the amount of times different physical exercises had to be done. I was talking to a physiotherapist.

I did a check on different realities and found the initials of U.D.O and there is a German heavy metal band found with a lead singer whose first name is UDO. He founded the band in 1987.

This UDO song, as a timeline of 2011.

In the UK, there is also the UDO, United Dance Organisation.

Interesting that the Jewish gematria for UDO is 254, and 254 is also the gematria for MARCUS, that then confirms what happened in the first dream, and that I was accurate on who those initials applied to.

UDO as a name, and it is German, and can be found in the Netherlands.

In dream interpretation to read the writing of others can indicate that you must not allow others to influence your judgement, do not act contrary to your principles. If you have a dream of paper that is new to you, it indicates that it is a symbol of efforts. In celebrations, paper is also associated with wedding anniversaries.

What's for breakfast, today, I had some cheesecake, with fresh strawberries, sesame and poppy seeds. The last couple of days I had fried eggs and baked beans. As gran used to say, "a little of what you fancy does you good" and she did like fruit. We didn't do juicing at home in those days, although I think that she would've loved a juicer to get her extra nutrients that she required.


  1. OTTO in the news

    And Germans are evacuating due to cladding.

  2. "Rob Reiner, who has previously referred to this time in America’s history as ‘the last civil war,’ is now calling for ‘all out war’ on Twitter.

    This is something Rob appears to be serious about. In fact, Reiner has called this period in America’s history “the last battle of the Civil War” on multiple occasions."
