
Saturday 24 June 2017


I had two dreams this morning, and the second dream includes the exercises that physiotherapists give you to do. So let us look at this deeper on this new moon of new beginnings.

Professor Peter O'Sullivan and Core Stability.

In the UK, physiotherapy has been privatised in the NHS. So you may receive a letter for physiotherapy with an NHS logo on it, but know that it is not the NHS, it is a private sub-contractor. 

Peter O'Sullivan says that "Physiotherapy has been driven by belief instead of practice". 

I think that statement applies to most medical practice.

In that video Professor O'Sullivan says that MRI scans are basically useless to identify what is the cause of the back pain. Some people become suicidal due to the disablement that the pain cycle co-creates. People often feel like their lives are on hold when they are suffering from back pain, that is certainly true.

Published on Mar 29, 2012
Professor Peter O'Sullivan is a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and Professor of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy at Curtin University. Internationally recognised as a leading clinician, researcher and educator in Physiotherapy, he has published more than 100 research papers, been keynote speaker at 60 national and international conferences and taught in 22 countries on the diagnosis and management of persistent pain disorders. This video is from the Australian Physiotherapy Association's Physiotherapy Conference 2011.  Where the presenter has given consent, slides will be made available upon request to APA members. 


I do like the Australians, they were doing some brilliant work in Australia while I was in that location. I was most impressed with most of the Australian therapists. 2018, will be the anniversary for when I was sent to Australia. 20 years ago. In my life cycle, it will also be a one year next year, a great year for new beginnings for yours truly, a new cycle of time. A great year for yours truly to launch something new.


Based upon the information provided by the patient, determines the body logic treatment plan. Indeed Peter, indeed. Correct. "You can't separate the practice from the research or the research from the practice". Peter O'Sullivan. 

An interview with Peter O'Sullivan. (NZ)

At 40.27, Peter mentions how one of his colleagues managed to get a grant from the European Union to build a website. Goodness gracious me! The EU give out European money like water. OK, the reason that Kieran O'Sullivan was able to receive an EU funding grant is because he is working in Ireland and these guys are working inside universities and academia, as well as working in private practice.

This is the website that the European Union paid for, wonder how much they paid for that!

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