
Thursday 22 June 2017


I have been looking at the uterus that is retroverted and women tend to find out whether they have one during pregnancy or when they go to the family planning clinic.

It is written that a retroverted uterus is genetic, although in some cases it can be caused by any surgery in the pelvic region, and/or childbirth itself.

When the womb is tilting backwards it does put more pressure onto the spine during pregnancy, and that can be one of the reasons why a woman may experience back and/or coccyx issues after the birth.

A normal uterus is usually in a straight vertical position, although sometimes it can lean forward towards the bladder.  It is estimated that up to 20% of women have a backwards-tilting womb.

It is written that "during menopause the womb can also change position as the ligaments holding it in place become weaker".

Also if you experience any pain internally when sitting, it can indicate that your internal skin is thinning and your GP can give you some pessaries for that. I would also recommend collagen boosting foods and nutrients. As the older you get, the less estrogen you have, so estrogen boosters are also essential to keep you as active as possible.

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