
Thursday 22 June 2017

Evolutionary Psychology

A conference "Departures from Reason: When Ideology Trumps science", in this video Gad Saad gives his view from the position of evolutionary psychology. In his presentation he includes anthropology, cross-referencing across cultures.

The accumulation of facts that are gathered to prove a point. In his presentation he includes a quote about "academic hostility towards new ideas", and pioneers in any area of expertise usually find that some people are trying to block their progress, as they try to move forward with groundbreaking initiatives. The statement shared is thus:

"I suppose the process of acceptance will pass through the usual four stages:

i)   this is worthless nonsense

ii)  this is an interesting, but perverse, point of view.

iii) this is true, but quite unimportant.

iv) I always said so.

Quote from J.B.S. Haldane, quoted by Gad Saad.

If you accumulate the evidence, eventually the academics have no choice but to accept the scientific method that has proven the point is the position from where Professor Gad Saad comes from.

When the evidence becomes overwhelming, eventually some academics have to concede their position, just like voting in a democratic election. When those that are competing against each other in a democracy, and when the vote is in, one side has to concede.

"Freedom of thought, freedom of inquiry, and freedom of speech are an absolute non-negotiable element in a civilised society". Indeed, no compromise on it Gad Saad.

It just goes to show what I've said for years, that academics have battled it out for decades, with their academic papers, and in their academic journals. As Gad said, it took academics 12 years to get from i) to iv). 

At least academics now have the forum to be more visible to a lot more people, with filming at conferences, filming of lectures, and on-line social media, this really should quicken the process of spreading truth, that is clearly obvious to anyone and everyone that have the eyes to see it and the heart to understand. 

The fact of the matter is that "New Media" has arrived, and some academics have really seized the media opportunity, it is the emergence of truth, where people can see it, and listen to it for themselves. Enabling the people to make their own minds up about what is really important in this sphere of influence.  

While Gad was studying, I was running a business, commissioned to help other businesses, and in the 90's, one of our marketing magazines in the creative industry in the UK, was called "New Media".

It was about the new technology, that would definitely change and impact upon the norms in media, that people had always known and depended upon at the point of delivery. 2012 was definitely the end of the world as people have known it.

New media had arrived in a very powerful way, it was definitely making its presence felt, and its not rocket science to see that the greatest impact as been upon the younger generations. The people in greater numbers have discovered that they cannot rely on the MSM, and people are looking further afield. 

Also with the speed that information is spreading, it is about who is making best use of the new media opportunities. Who has the career experience, the credibility, and who is living in the heart of academic integrity, who is willing to step-up, step forward, for the sake of truth and it's disclosure to the larger population. 

In my experience academics don't like being called out, especially when you give them examples of why you are asking them to think again about something very specific. So maybe Gad would like to do a research project on how many people have seen unicorns, and how many people have seen and spoken with Jesus, across cultures, for that would then become scientific fact wouldn't it professor. Big smiles! 

Creation evolves and and evolution creates.

The academics position and it is also the position of Professor Jordan Peterson, is that fact finding is scientific and as we know academia insists upon statistics. However, in some areas, especially in health, one of my clients came to the conclusion that the success of a project that she had commissioned yours truly to design and implement, went far beyond what could be put into stats.

Hence, I can embrace where Gad and Jordan are coming from in some realities that are self-evident, at the same time as being aware of other realities. It is not an all or nothing situation, and nor should it be so.

As academia does help academic minds to grow and develop in the context of their choices, that they are sometimes confined by. Although being able to work outside of the academic university framework, and methodology has enabled some academics to make some amazing new discoveries.

In writing that I have scientists like Dr Bruce Lipton, and Professor William Tiller in mind.

We don't have to agree 100% of the time with each other, or academic minds, we can agree to disagree on some aspects or how those aspects are sometimes presented.

I am hot on words and how they are communicated, and key words ping out for me, that people choose to use, it shows me what is underlying in their reality that they are faced with and how they view it. Something that is underneath, is always revealed if you have eyes that are like a spiritual magnifying glass that is filled with light.

In the UK, I have seen some academics struggle with their comprehension of some spiritual and mystical realities and concepts. Remember where Carl Jung was coming from and what he decided at the end of his life and career.

Carl Jung and Freud agreed, that what they had studied during their lives the spiritually advanced already knew it to be true. So when a clinical psychology professor wrote that Carl Jung did not give predictions, I asked him to go back to the drawing board. As there are clear examples of Carl Jung's spiritual work and spiritual journey on his rite of passage. It became clear to yours truly, that some academics have concentrated on some specific aspects of Jung's work, rather than embrace the more spiritual aspects of his life and conclusions.

Carl Jung did go through his own spiritual evolution, as is natural to do, as he did his best to comprehend what the ancients knew to be true, at the same time as trying to come to terms with the "atrocities of WW2" and it's co-creation.

He was like a detective looking for what I refer to as the commonalities in different spiritual ideologies down the ages. He tried to bridge the gaps with his gnosis to help the academic world to move forward spiritually, and he did have a spiritual woman that helped him to see the light.

I like science when it supports growth in people, I don't like science if it tries to hold back what is new and that which does exist that is very positive for humanity. So then it comes back to what is positive, I think a majority of Saad's and Peterson's work is positive at defending our historic cultures, and our absolute undeniable freedoms and liberty that allowed us to be creators and creative beings.

It is that same freedom and liberty that allowed our healers and mystics to flourish in our potential on the rite of passage. There was a lovely quote from Professor Tiller when he explained that it was harder to get scientists to embrace mystical realities than it was to get mystics to embrace scientific realities. I will have to dig out his exact words on that again. 

I accept those that are working on what is required to sustain life and our beautiful cultures, at the same time as being willing to look at what other people have to say about it. Being an Aquarian, I've always been open to change, just as I am open to changing the food that I eat, if I require some specific nutrient, for a specific reason then it goes onto my menu.

So let that be the analogy, some academics feed the soil of the planet with excellent nutrients, and some other academics support monsanto. Make sure that you know the difference prior to selecting a professor because the environment is naturally evolutionary.

In spirituality, and on the rite of passage, the greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes. Truly, Gad Saad and Jordan Peterson were meant to be in Canada at this pivotal timeline.

In the right place, at the right time to seize the opportunity to help humanity to get back on track.

Will you "die on the altar of political correctness" as mentioned by Gad Saad,  or will you go beyond it, is a decision people in the west have to make.

I smile, as it was in the 90's, when I was talking to people about having their "ostrich heads in the sand."

Even in Australia, when talking to some spiritual people about different cultures, when they responded to yours truly, "I don't live in that world", I responded back, "what world do you live in then?". 

Spiritual people have to be able to walk between the worlds, people have to have the panoramic view to see the bigger picture, for the past creates the present, and the present creates the future. So then, what type of future would you like for your children, and their children. If you care fully for our historic cultures, then you must stand up and defend it in the best way that you know how.

In Iraq, the UN children's agency share that children are being used as a "weapon of war" to prevent people from fleeing. Peter Hawkins from UNICEF said, "this just highlights how indiscriminate, and catastrophic this war is".

Can UNICEF and the UN, ever move beyond their political correctness, and say, "this just highlights how indiscriminate and catastrophic Islamic war is". Any country that uses children as a "weapon of war", is a "crime against humanity" and should be brought before the international court of human rights.

Did you know that in Sweden they've been having issues with Islam and child rape gangs, in Sweden male children are being gang raped. Did you know that in Sweden 90% of all shootings are carried out by immigrants. Wake up world, it's now or never.

Sadiq Khan, the Muslim mayor in London, refuses to ban "terrorist flags" flying in London. UKIP MEP, David Kurten calls Sadiq out. I think we should have an on-line petition banning it. Indeed, ban "Al Quds day", already has 24,000 signatures.

Sadiq Khan refuses to respond to a direct question on "Al-Quds and Hezbollah". I didn't like Sadiq Khan prior to him becoming mayor and I like him even less now.

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