
Friday 23 June 2017

Theresa May 3 Million

News from the EU is that Theresa May has offered the white flag, and has offered three million EU citizens the potential to stay in the UK, with full rights of our indigenous people, that includes pensions and access to our NHS. With the proviso that the EU offer the same to the one million people from the UK that are living in other European countries.

Does that sound fair to you, the UK pays for three million people and the EU pays for one. The UK ends up paying for three times the amount that the EU does. I don't think so. Wasn't it David Cameron and the Conservatives that were saying prior to the referendum that any immigrant earning less than £36,000 a year would have to leave the country. Surely, you remember that.

Wouldn't there be a lot more jobs for our people, if it was one for one. We keep one million in exchange for the one million of our people that are living in other EU countries. Would it be fairer with one out, one in. Wouldn't it be fairer that if any of our people that are living abroad and are unemployed, came home. Wouldn't it be fairer if anyone living in the UK unemployed goes home to their own country, and what about all of those people that are zero-hour contracts. Wouldn't it be better if those people when home, and made sure that their governments provide the environment whereby their people can prosper in their home country. I think so.

A case was shared with me the other day, and it was about a Dutch woman that had lived in the UK for 24 years, married to a person from the UK, and had children. She has been asked to leave the UK with her children. Now I don't have the case history on that family, but I will say this, if that family have paid their dues, the last 24 years, then they should be allowed to stay in the UK.

1. Anyone from other nations that are unemployed must leave.

2. Anyone that is unable to work due to disability, should go home to their own country. If they became disabled due to their work environment, or something that happened to them while working in the UK, those cases should be looked at, and I think we have the compassion and mercy to allow those people to stay in the UK. There may be some cases that it is essential that they be allowed to stay in the UK, due to the medical treatment that they require, we can live with that, as the numbers of those people will be quite insignificant in the bigger picture.

3. Anyone on zero-hour contracts should go home, especially those they don't meet the £36,000 a year threshold.

4. Last in, first out, through a phasing out process. In the first year after Brexit is completed, people that came to this country in the last five years are first on the list to be examined upon their criteria and if it meets the criteria to stay, if not they have to leave. That gives people time to prepare for the inevitable.

In the second year, then you look at people that came into the country 5-10 years ago and what there position and status is, and what there economic viability is, those that are a liability must leave, those that are an asset to our country can stay. So on and so forth. Then review where we are with population, and whether we have reduced from 3 million people to closer to the one million people. It doesn't have to happen suddenly, it can happen slowly, a phasing out.

"Death of the West" by Gad Saad 

It also leaves room for other EU citizens to come to work in the UK if and when we have opportunities to be filled, e.g. for doctors and nurses etc. It would not be a blanket ban on people from the EU coming to live in the UK, it would just be much tighter control on who is coming, where from, with talents and skills that the UK might require, when we require it. Does that make sense, I think so.

I appreciate that the UK in leaving the EU, would like to bring in more people from across the world, especially from the commonwealth countries. However, that is not what the people of the UK voted for. The people of the UK voted to end the immigration and population explosion that our country cannot sustain economically, or in any other way.

Our Islands are very small countries, and there is only so much room to accommodate those that come to live in the UK. Our people already live in the smallest spaces in the Europe, and our people that live outside of the inner cities, are not welcoming any further urbanisation to meet the requirements of any extra residents. As we are fully aware that we do not have the infrastructure in our tiny nations, to provide what would be required to ensure that everyone has a high standard of living.

In fact, the standard of living for the people living in the UK has decreased due to the population explosion that has been experienced in recent decades.  Some studies have been done, whereby it has been written that poverty is at the level of Victorian times. Even in London, the richest city, with the poorest pay.

5. I don't think that this should just apply to people that are living in the UK, I think it should apply to all immigrants that came to live in our country. We have to close our borders for five years. After that the situation can be reassessed, people could apply for residency, once again, if and when we have jobs available. And only if we have jobs available.

We should not have a situation that we have now, whereby our children in the UK are applying for 500 jobs, and they don't receive a single response to any of their applications. We shouldn't have a situation whereby there are over 850 applications for university and only 35 places available for the degrees of their choice.

If we don't even have the places in university education, why are our universities even spending money on advertising the universities and degree courses. Couldn't that money be put to better use, of course it could be. Stop making our local communities, student economies, for it is destroying the communities.

Stop bowing to the corporations and their social engineering of our children, and the children of others.

A lot of academics are talking about unicorns aren't they, how wonderful then that the unicorn did arrive in the 90's.

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