
Friday 23 June 2017


I keep on seeing academics and sometimes radio presenters mention the unicorn, in a "disparaging" way and what do those academic mindsets know about spiritual experiences, especially the spiritual experience of the Spirit animal, in this case the unicorn.

What I experienced on my journey is that when a person as passed over, they are able to choose an animal to represent themselves for identification. So for instance a friend that was born in South Africa, and lived in America, the Spirit animal that he chose to appear as is the giraffe. Other people, including celebrities have chosen to be a dog, usually their pet that they loved while on the planet.

Some also choose a fragrance that you can recognise them by, with some that can be a particular perfume or aftershave that they were known to wear. Or the fragrance of a flower, so for instance, if a woman loved lavender, she may choose lavender.

My dad chose "Forget-me-nots", and asked "Forget-me-not", as the flower that he chose, was to indicate a message from him, to not forget him, his actions and what happened to him. The biblical prophecies also mention the promise that was made in Micah 7.

I always remember a great and holy man that I met in the 80's, after dad passed over, he said, your dad is giving me "forget-me-nots", to give to you, he is asking you not to forget him. He also said, "You are a light in this world, that will never be blown out".

Mum chose a fragrance that she wore, Miss Dior, as she knew that when she was close-by, I would recognise it immediately. My gran chose violets and freshia.

The unicorn came into my life in the 90's, and it was truly wonderful. It would appear in my spiritual room, in the right hand corner in the room, although it would also appear in meditations too, when I was in the spiritual space of others. The unicorn did deliver spiritual messages and spiritual guidance in the early stages of a rapid spiritual development. The unicorn came around the same time as my home was filled with ectoplasm, (bear in mind we are talking of huge house on four levels) and when I saw angels for the first time with my eyes wide open.

Academics collect data to prove their point, so I challenge the academics to collect data on the amount of people that have seen unicorns with their eyes wide open. I also challenge the academics to do their data collection on the sheer numbers of people that have also seen and spoken to Jesus.

As academics view fact finding and collecting data as scientific methodology.

When we were taught about science in school, we worked with test tubes and chemistry sets, and you can't fit a unicorn into a test tube now can you. Big smiles.

When the evidence is overwhelming, then eventually the academics have no choice, but to conclude it as a fact. Hence the challenge from the spiritual.

So what does the Aramaic text say about the unicorn. It's worth viewing the Aramaic text, translated by George M. Lamsa, the Peshitta. In the book of Job the unicorn is spoken of as a male energy. 

"Will the unicorn be willing to serve you, or will he spend the night at your crib? Can you bind your yoke on the neck of a unicorn, or will he harrow in a rugged place. Will you have confidence in him, because his strength is great, or will you leave your labour to him. Do you trust him, that he will winnow your threshing, and gather your grain into the barn". Job 39:9-12 

The unicorn also appears again in the Isaiah prophecy, chapter 34 and that chapter mentions Edom, I view Edom in the prophecies as relating to America, due to having cross-referenced it with other prophecies. So did the "anti-Unicorn", tactic begin in America, most likely, as most people that showed themselves to be "anti-unicorn", to me, were Americans or from the Americas. 

Isaiah 34, forewarned that "And unicorns shall fall with them, and bullocks with the bulls, and the land shall be soaked with their blood, and the soil enriched with their fatness. For it is the day of the LORD's vengeance. and the year of recompense for the cause of Zion". Isaiah 34: 7-8. 

It has been known for a long time that America has a huge "obesity" health issue, and the "fatness" is mentioned in Isaiah 34 too. America has been "soaked in blood", you only have to look at the sheer numbers of shootings in Chicago to be sure of that. The facts are overwhelming in that case. 

Another verse in that chapter, "Seek out the book of the LORD, and read, not one of these shall fail, none sought for her mate, but he with his own mouth has commanded, and his spirit, he has gathered them". Isaiah 34:15 

It's no coincidence then that it was in the 90's that I was also compelled to read some translations of ancient texts. I had never been a great reader, and it was at that time, that my interest grew in what the ancients were saying about spirituality, due to the rapid growth that I was experiencing on all levels.

It was like the heavens had opened up after the passing of the Son of Joseph, and the time came, when I was suddenly flooded with spiritual experiences and different realities when I stepped upon the right path of healing.

Different realities that really made me rethink what I had thought previously. I could not deny what I was seeing with my eyes wide open, I could not deny the messages that I was being given. I could not deny the sheer amount of evidence that I was being given because it really was overwhelming.

I did deliver a book, and people did come to me to seek out the book of the LORD. What remains in my memory of that time, is that I do remember a young man that came from a distance, he had all his coins counted up, he just had to have a copy of that book. He was so determined. 

I also used to loan books from my spiritual library to help people with their comprehension, and many of those books were not returned. In some cases, I replaced certain books time and time again. Until it got to the point, where I said, enough.

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