
Wednesday 14 June 2017


Last night I was writing about housing and how people in the UK live in the smallest spaces in Europe and that our country is overpopulated. How people are living in each other's auric fields and that housing cannot get any smaller than it is already.

Then today, at dawn, I had a dream and in the dream there were some people that had come to collect  what is known as a "skip" in the UK. The skip was filled with "bulk waste".

Prior to people leaving with the skip, I asked them if they had room to take a fridge and someone  else's bed. What surprised me in the dream, was that the items that the men had in their van looked almost new. The ovens and microwaves, looked like they had hardly been used prior to being replaced with new appliances and as we know, cheap electrical goods have been flooding the UK, with many made in China. The appliances were also all black.

When I woke up, and then saw the news a 27 storey tower in London as been on fire during the night, the fire began just as I was going to bed last night after 1.00am. Although some reports say that the building had 24 storey's and around 200 flats.

The apartment building of flats looks like charcoal this morning. At least 79 people have been taken to five different hospitals and many people are unaccounted for. It's been a "towering inferno" during the night, with many people "trapped inside the building with their children". Over 200 firefighters and 40 fire engines were engaged in trying to put out the fire and rescue the people in the building.

The reporter in this video mentions that the council block built in 1974, was given a massive, multi-million pound refurbishment and it was given a completely new heating system last year. The building was also clad to improve the look of the building.

This article mentions that the Cladding contractor, Harley Curtain Wall went into administration shortly after completing the £3m Grenfell Tower project. That's convenient isn't it!

I have seen it written on the internet that the cladding was aluminium and plastic. It is important to find out who the building contractor was that was involved in this refurbishment and who the architects and surveyors were.

This article provides a lot more information on the building refurbishment and who was involved and Rydon had the contract for the upgrading of the building that included new windows and thermal insulation. The block next door as also been refurbished the same.

As far as I am aware it is law that refurbishments of social housing has to be carried out every 20 years. Although I am sure our builders will have something to say about this latest fire, and the quality of the workmanship that is being utilised in the UK. The building industry is filled with immigrants, that provide cheaper labour than British workmen that usually work to very high standards, of course they cost more.

Residents warned the landlord repeatedly, that the building was a fire risk. This link provides what they wrote.

Also bible prophecy warns about building towers, it even mentions the "day of great slaughter", in relation to it, and many people associated that prophecy with 9/11 in New York. 

The prophecy also foretold what would happen afterwards. "When the towers fall, streams of water will flow on every high mountain, and every lofty hill. The moon will shine like the sun, and the sunlight will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven full days, when the LORD binds up the bruises of his people, and heals the wounds of the inflicted". Isaiah 30:25-26. 

The numeric of seven in that prophecy, the life number of the spiritual teacher. Seven days can mean seven years in Judaic spirituality. Seven is also a karmic number and as we know this year ends in 7. The prophecy also mentions the years of healing, a spiritual teacher that is also a healer.  

In America they have sprinklers in their tall buildings, I don't think we have sprinklers in social housing in the UK. However, we all saw what happened to the twin towers. That is why the Isaiah prophecy was linked to what happened on 9/11. As it mentions "towers" in the plural. 

The firefighters have worked hard all night long, to save as many people as they could. London is not having a good time of it lately. This also comes at a time when the Conservatives have been cutting the numbers of firefighters and their budgets. If the Conservatives had their way, they would privatise everything, including the police force and fire brigade. 

In the report from the Huffington Post linked above, they feature a witness that was interviewed by LBC, she says there were elderly people on the top floor of that building, elderly people with serious health conditions.

This link is also residents complaining about Robert Black.

Elderly people should always be on the ground floor. I remember when my nan and aunt were moved into a block of flats in London, they were elderly with serious health conditions, and they were also put on the top floors of the block. My aunt Mary had a "serious stroke" and she was unable to walk unaided.

My nan had a serious heart condition, and she also had to be held up while walking towards the end of her life. Yet, they put people like that on the top floors of these buildings, where is the common sense in that.

You don't see the rich architects living in those tiny spaces, nor will you see Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May living in a space like that. Yet they think it is OK to put poor people into them.

Theresa May says that she's going to financially help the previous MP's that don't have a job due to her deciding on an election. What will she do personally to help the people impacted upon by this fire. How big is the insurance held by Kensington and Chelsea to provide for these people.

Then when another disaster happens like it has happened in London last night, numerous reports are done, to investigate what happened and why. Whose responsible, the architects that designed it the first place, and those people that approved of it.

Numerous reports were done in previous decades that those tall buildings that they began building in the 60's and 70's, had to be demolished, as they are always a fire risk when you have that many people living in it.

Reports say that the fire began after 1.00am, 14th of June, 2017. The 14th of June is the "Day of Confrontation", maybe if we hadn't paid billions and billions to be a member of the EU since the 70's, we would have been able to house our people properly and in safety.

This catastrophe is going to have a huge impact on the building industry, change is certainly coming to it. It will also impact upon decisions that are made to do with immigration too. British workers must come first, our people trained in this country by our highly qualified tradespeople are some of the best in the world. So are our firefighters, that must be appreciated for all the difficult situations that they are faced with. 

Absolutely tragic, witnesses are saying that they could smell plastic burning in the area, and a man inside the building shouted out that his refrigerator had blown up. After that the building went up in flames. One woman threw her baby out of the window from the 10/11th floor, and a man was able to catch the baby. No way, should buildings be built that tall, how do they think that the fireman and women can get to that height and fast enough. 

More witnesses share what they saw.

Ten warnings had been given in four years.

No fire alarm, no sprinklers, locals put the responsibility onto the Kensington and Chelsea council.

They never listen to the people.


Tottenham MP, David Lammy has called it "Corporate Manslaughter".

1 comment:

  1. The dream included a van and men. Muslim Man with a van that mounted to the pavement and impacted upon five men, praised by the judge. What planet is that judge on.
